
This guy is a massive idiot. He sounds like I when I was 13 in 1998. You need to use common sense. No profile pic, no Skype, then move on.

The basic part of online dating is if you can’t go out for drinks or coffee/tea within a few short messages, move on. A lot of people I know spend days trying to size up a person based on profiles and walls of text during online conversations. It takes 5 minutes to do this face to face, so don’t waste time.

Great advice as always. My fiance and I watch Catfished regularly and we are always amazed at both how people continue to end up catfished and how people continue to do it.

Funny, because nothing confirms my happiness of being in a stable, healthy, long term relationship like Dr Nerdlove’s columns.

Maybe it’s a thousand really tiny ships.

I like to think that all Liam Neeson movies are all the same person and that they are a documentaries of how he leads his life.

I’d bet on a teaser at Comicon, whether it’ll be released online straight away or not is another matter. Full trailer before Dr. Strange I’d imagine.

Fox has announced a date for ... the shows’ return—September 19th.

James Gunn posted a wrap video from the set for Chris Pratt’s time on the film, also confirming that he will be at San Diego Comic-Con for the film.


1. Osborn stopped the Skrull invasion. If the Unabomber stopped an alien invasion, we’d make him the damn president.

2. In the real world, arming and training Osama bin Laden on how to be a terrorist didn’t cost anyone his job. Giving Saddam Hussein chemical weapons didn’t cost anyone his job. Torturing detainees,

And Norman Osborn, a known terrorist who once strafed his own court hearing on live television with Pumpkin Bombs, was made head of one of the powerful intelligence organizations on the planet. At the very least Luthor was good at hiding the fact he was evil until he injected himself with a Kryptonite-based steroid

He was the bomb in Phantoms, yo!

Call of Duty: Sticks and Stones, Advanced Cavefighter

Actually they were “random and light.” They were referring to them being untargetted and there being a low quantity.

“They would probably be hundred if not thousands of years more advanced than us”.

Wow, you sound like a gender-neutral dud.