
Man, I really hope Katie Cassidy's producer boyfriend doesn't read this or that will end up being the new Birds of Prey.

I prefer the terms Wack Canary or Blechh Canary when referring to the plague that is Laurel.

So Constantine is likely going to get cancelled and this saddens me greatly as its been a real surprise. I really didn't think it was going to be any good and boy was I wrong.

Katie Cassidy seems like a lovely woman, but Laurel as Canary is just awful awful awful.

I knew you were trouble when you logged in.

I know, right? If not punch, then kick their legs at higher speed to disrupt balance and all. Do something wacky like Quicksilver in X-Men Days of Future Past or something.

And this week actually answered why that might not have been the best plan — for all he knew Cold and Heatwave booby trapped their guns as well.

The only thing I could think of is that they wanted to destroy the Cold Gun, and were hoping the fire weapon could do it. Since the Cold Gun was created specifically to stop Barry, I could see this being a priority. But even that's a stretch - the Flash could disarm those guys pretty easily and just take the gun.

I think that "Dottie" will steal Caps blood and it will be used in the Widow program to make Natasha into Black Widow. I also think we are unlikely to see Natasha herself in Agent Carter - they will save that for the movie - but she is somewhere among those girls. She admits she lies even to friends - giving SHIELD

Chris Evans brought this up on Late Night With Jimmy Fallon. He said once he watched "Avengers" he thought Captain America had no business being in that group.

Natasha was born in 1984 according to Zola in Cap 2. I'm thinking that the base in the next episode (possibly the Red Room) is the same place that the ballet dancers in the Age of Ultron trailer were.

Call the exterminator, 'cause Carter's apartment has Black Widows…

Duh, the "phone" part of Cell Phones. It allows people to try and bug me wherever I am, instead of the delayed interaction of text messages and email.

People think I want to talk to them, gah! The nerve!

Widow showed just what an awesome bad ass she was in Iron Man 2. She needed more of that in Avengers and Winter Soldier.

I think you're onto something. Black Widow would do better with a logo or a symbol.

Yes, actually. It looks like armor or a robot. And he has pistols and jet boots. That stuff is awesome to a kid.

I think a very big part of the problem is that thus far the women in the Marvel movies have been boring as hell compared to their male counterparts, both in terms of big, iconic action scenes and in their physical design. The action figures get relegated to second tier because the characters did, speaking purely in

I think the real bummer is that you're wanting to promote the fairly boring Black Widow and the relatively uninteresting Gamora, both of which are absolutely nowhere near as interesting an action figure as Iron Man and Captain America.

Looking forward to the toy line attached to the Captain Marvel movie—which will have no Captain Marvel in it.

Good article although I think another part of the reason the female characters aren't as heavily represented is design. This actually also seems to affect Hawkeye too. The hulk is big and green, iron man has a snazzy suit and captain america has a bright costume and the shield as a recognisable weapon. Now look at