
Good point. Get some She-Hulk, Ms. Marvel figures up. Who wants to play with a regular person's action figure? Hell, when I was a kid, my Hammerhead action figure got as much play as my Luke Skywalker did, because....just look at him!

Awful. Just... awful.

Although he's apparently gone the Obi Wan Kenobi ghost route since he helped Clarke solve the mystery of the poisoning.

Yes! I agree so hard. The Sky people kill each other over any minor infraction but as soon as the grounders want to kill one of them for mass murder, suddenly capital punishment doesn't seem quite so cool? Sky people are the worst. Any charm Finn might have exhibited in the past was cancelled out the second he started

I mean I may have hate wanked to her recently...

Let's be honest. If we got to really know the people we masturbate to, there would be a good handful that would make us want to mutilate our own genitals in shame.

Waste of a wank in hindsight.

I'm not a huge Katrina fan, but I do like her if only as an obsticle to getting Abbie and Ichabod together. I do not want that, no please no, keep them friends. So if they promise to stay BFFs forever and ever, and never go down the romatic path, I'm totally fine with killing off Katrina.

Hawley is the Cousin Oliver of the show.

I've watched like 4 episodes this season and I just can't bring myself to watch anymore. I don't know what it is—but I am bored as heck with this show. Does it get better this season? It used to be the first thing on my DVR that I would watch. Now? It's down there with Food Channel crap and American Pickers.

Yeah i have some memories like these too...

Your mother sounds like my mother; I cut her out of my life when I was 16 (I lived with my father) and asked her for an apology for the beatings and neglect that she inflicted upon me. Her response was basically a shrug that I could visualize over the phone. I just had to get on with life knowing that there would be

Thanks for the input! I do appreciate hearing the perspective from "the other side" in things like this.

Well, if AD&D is anything to go by, prepare for awkward bulkiness...

oh shit, me too...and i forgot until i readyr comment. . .. in my defense, i didn't know until we had done the deed a couple times.

A guy whom after causing so much drama at a party, by drunkenly hitting on all my friends and kissing several who were already in relationships, left me something on the desk in the morning after we had sex.

Unless the place you're ordering from specifically says that the delivery drivers get the delivery fee, they actually probably don't. I delivered for two different shops over the years (a sandwich shop and a pizza chain) and drivers didn't get the delivery fee at either one. I know Domino's has it right on their boxes

Definitely. We also don't make a bunch of noise if there is a mistake. We just say, hey we know you guys are busy, when you have a chance and are coming back out this way, etc etc. It usually has to be a pretty big mistake too, like an entire entree missing or something, for us to say anything. They know us well

"I'm thinking she does NOT gain respect in this office, and they are pissed at her for going behind their backs and around them to get the job done (Aside from Captain Cripple, who will always think she is the cats pajamas). However, results are results. So she gets punished by getting assigned to one of the worst SSR

Embrace it! CW is about to replace FX as my go to network for evening entertainment. The fact that their streaming app is tremendous helps also.