
That made me LOL

I like the poster, it really ties the saga together. :)

He looks like Flynn in Tron Legacy.

Either way, I abide.

nope you're completely on the money here

The Eagles are the path to the Dark Side, man.

There are so many of these that the GF and I came up with the term "old-man action-movie" to describe the movies that my parents watch literally every other weekend. They invite us over to watch movies and EVERY TIME it is an old man action movie.

Wow. And I bet those are the days that keep you coming back even on shit days.

Had a guy in my USAF unit that was using + distributing LSD on base. We only caught him due to an informant, and OSI ordered a hair analysis for the court-martial since our standard screening didn't check for it. Took so long to get the results and was so expensive that we decided we had sufficient evidence on

Just buy it - on PC if possible, on console if you must, but never, NEVER on mobile - and watch some 'First Day In Minecraft' videos on YouTube. Just make yourself play through three or four hours of content without trying to make any judgement whatsoever. Let the blocks flow through you, if you will.

After a few hours

I was under the assumption that because most diseases have been nearly eradicated/very rarely spread, they haven't had a good chance to evolve into a more communicable virus.

Pretty sure it's basically impossible to test for the presence of LSD inside a person. The dosage is minuscule (micrograms), and once you've spread that across your entire body, the concentration borders on that of homeopathic remedies.

Now, if someone JUST dropped, say, a dosed sugar cube, maybe a few minutes ago,

My vague understanding is that there is a large reservoir of different, but closely related flu viruses, living mostly in birds. They're mostly not harmful to birds (as with a lot of viruses in their preferred hosts) but fairly frequently one of them will make the jump to people. It's not so much about them mutating

I think you've hit on the answer yourself: these viruses don't appear to be as adaptable as influenza.

Yes, it is exactly that. There are many different types of the flu, and it's constantly evolving, and vaccines attempt to target the strain that is most prominent/has evolved to be most resistant to previous vaccines.

LSD wouldn't show up on drug screens due to the minute amount needed for usage.

MAN I miss acid. I'm a grown-ass adult (ostensibly) now so I don't think I could go wild like I used to in my care-free teen years, but I would definitely be down to give it another spin. It's been too long.

I thought it was stupid before I played it. I was like, "it's a stupid level editor! Like g-mod or something. It's not even really a game." Once I tried it, I realized it's actually a survival game. At night time zombies and monsters come out to kill you so during the day you have to spend your time wisely, preparing

Can I just say THANK YOU for doing such a stressful but necessary job?

She chose poorly. But it's not one choice.