Michael Reed

Sir, this is a Wendy’s.

You think this site is journalism?

The kids putting the uniforms on for the first time to save all the slaves on the asteroid was amazing.

Yeah, it’s Paramount taking a dump on the fanbase, which is nothing new.

But many many things affect the total budget and financials, including executive compensation packages, stock repurchases and share buy back. I could go on. Shall we evaluate the entire set of financial docs? P/L, Cash Flow, Balance Sheet before we say shrinkage has a significant impact on pricing?

B) Trump is just a weird, WEIRD looking guy, and the people complaining about the animatronic’s appearance refuse to acknowledge how fugly the guy is IRL?

Like Trump supporters spend any time in the educational section at Disney

Being transimatronic is now a new life goal.

If true, does this mean that the Trump animatronic is trans?

Check the bite marks...

It’s okay, the real Trump looks fake too.

I thought it was Jon Voight.

Agreed. Prodigy has a better chance of being picked up than other shows in its position.

I can’t recall the source, but I believe the Picard rumor is partly true. Tuvok’s scene with Seven in the series finale, where she is promoted to Captain, was originally supposed to include Janeway and Harry Kim (also a Captain) as well. It was cut because Harry Kim can never be anything but an Ensign for budget

Not gonna lie — Voyager wasn’t my thing (it was my wife’s thing); probably at the bottom of my Trek viewing lists.

Not a popular opinion, while Voyager was not a great show, Janeway is my favorite Captain of the whole franchise.  She just has that perfect blend of command and humanity that makes her seem slightly more real then any of the rest of them, while still being an incredibly impressive role model.

I dunno. Shoprite is selling chicken drumsticks for 69 cents/lb, which is cheaper than even pre-COVID prices. 

There are cards without pictures?! I haven’t encountered one and my family has gone to Costco since I was a wee lad and it was called Price Club.

We have some occasional product failures and have to do some failure analysis forensics and fea testing, so I find this fascinating. Looks like the problems here were pretty evident to anyone who looked closely enough. Heck, when you have other people involved with deep sea subs warning you your sub sucks, that’s a

Given my 2nd love (brocolli and tacos), I don’t think anyone would have let me on board a sealed chamber for more than 30 seconds.