I love this site and the writers have always been great, but the readers and commenters have sometimes been absolutely terrible.
Pajiba, Lainey, and the Mary Sue are all good.
I’ll miss Jezebel. I’ve been on it since 2009.
It was a good run. This sucks.
Wow. That just hit me like a punch in the throat. Devastated for the staff, their families, and these who genuinely engaged with the site over the years. I’ve been commenting for about ten years now. Jezebel has been part of my daily online life for a decade. Ugh.
Well shit.
The actors strike ends (pending a vote) and Jez gets shut down for good. Thanks for the memories Jez.
“Don’t light things on fire and throw them in the back of the truck”
I refuse to believe that there’s a human being actually named Chord Overstreet. Sounds like a self-insert character from an anime based on American showtunes of the ‘50s.
what the fuck! where to??
Can’t somebody chain her to the Lifehacker radiator or something?
BOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! Can’t somebody chain her to the Lifehacker radiator or something? For God’s sake, where’s a 19th century work law when you really need one?
What would a farewell article be without one last (hilarious) typo?? Best of luck in the future, Claire!
Someone (wish I could remember who) wrote about an idea for making police carry malpractice insurance like doctors that would pay out if they are sued for on the job misconduct. If the officer has a bad record and the premiums become too high, time to find a new job.
I had to deal with the “cop attitude” in an event that I volunteered with for many years. Their unearned superiority complex makes them think no one else is worth anything. Absolutely disgusting.
Cops hate the educated. They see them as a threat.
2030? You do realize that’s 6 years away. No way cities are going to move fast enough to make themselves more walk, bike and transit friendly.