Michael Reed

Well, nuts.

Sometimes you know from how they order their coffee that they’re not the right one. *shrugs at this list*

Came here to mention The Conversation, not disappointed.

Same. Knowing about materials failures and how it was constructed, I would have been reluctant to board this thing on the surface, much less ride it down to ANY depth.

Thanks for this! I really think that pan-searing is the best finish for sous vide proteins like pork and white meat chicken, so I’ll take these results and run with them as a first pass to compare against.

All of the pending comments refer to poor reviews of this service. It would be good to see them ASAP.

Yep, that demand was the opening salvo.  Now that the response has been given, it’s up to Meghan and Harry’s lawyers to determine whether to file the lawsuit and request discovery. 

I had remembered enjoying the work of the same name by Christopher Stasheff, and was curious if this was an adapation, but no.  Amazon lists a dozen works by that title, I soon realized.

That’s pretty much why I stopped visiting regularly.

The gameplay I’ve seen so far on Twitch has not been compelling.

The rich?

The odd way my brain works, I first saw Kareem Abdul-Jabbar in the cameo, and didn’t notice the others until I rewatched that scene. To be fair, I never expected to enjoy his writings as much as I have.

Agreed. It took 4 years to see them again, but I finally saw them in a local Sheetz.

Same. I’ve gotten over 200k miles on each of two used ex-rental cars from Enterprise.

This is The Way.

One of my friends hands out bottled water or a can of Mountain Dew (of assorted flavors, trick-or-treater’s choice).  Walking in a bulky/heavy costume can be thirsty work!

Which is ironic, because Girl Scout cookies have been contributing to my inflation for decades now.

Because of the mechanical forces involved in larger lever arms?  Just a guess, but that’s a design consideration for mounting all kinds of things both temporarily and permanently.

One of the variants that arose shortly after Wordle exploded onto the scene was Gordle, which uses the five-letter last names of everyone who ever played a single game in the NHL. Once I proved to myself that it was an algorithmically-solvable problem, I never played again.

If it brings people joy, just let it go, my dude.