Michael Reed

Agreed. Unlike Linda, I found a lot to like in The Nevers, even though it took a lot of time to gel. I was looking forward to seeing more of that universe (looks with side-eye at HBO’s decision to bury the last half of the season).

Well, nuts.

The book this is based upon is, without a doubt, among the worst-written books I’ve ever read, and is certainly the worst I’ve read over the past decade. The only reason it was bestselling, in my opinion, is that it was a Book of the Month Club selection.

Sometimes you know from how they order their coffee that they’re not the right one. *shrugs at this list*

Came here to mention The Conversation, not disappointed.

Same. Knowing about materials failures and how it was constructed, I would have been reluctant to board this thing on the surface, much less ride it down to ANY depth.

Thanks for this! I really think that pan-searing is the best finish for sous vide proteins like pork and white meat chicken, so I’ll take these results and run with them as a first pass to compare against.

All of the pending comments refer to poor reviews of this service. It would be good to see them ASAP.

Yep, that demand was the opening salvo.  Now that the response has been given, it’s up to Meghan and Harry’s lawyers to determine whether to file the lawsuit and request discovery. 

I had remembered enjoying the work of the same name by Christopher Stasheff, and was curious if this was an adapation, but no.  Amazon lists a dozen works by that title, I soon realized.

Anyone can do them...once.

My sinuses really didn’t need the coffee.

If that becomes his life goal, I’m okay with it. It’ll keep him from doing all of the other dumb shit that he’s been on about recently.

Well, at least we know how that series ends. /s

That’s pretty much why I stopped visiting regularly.

The gameplay I’ve seen so far on Twitch has not been compelling.

The rich?

I’d eat it.


And this comment answered a question not answered in the article, which is “Linda, what’s a VTT?”