Doc Eon

I would absolutely pay to go see the weird superhero art film that is 50% finished movie, 25% people doing voice-overs to storyboards, and 25% cut-ins of Zach Snyder describing in detail what the he wanted to do in this part here, while at the same time explaining why, yes, actually Superman WOULD fuck your mom if he

I don’t think the action is really what draws most people to Ghostbusters.

Normally I'd love the opportunity to take the piss out of Paltrow but I think I'll pass just this once. If you haven't had the misfortune of having someone important in your life revealed to be a wolf in sheep's clothing consider yourself lucky.

the movie actually just isn’t very good

Only film I’ve ever seen at midnight. Saw it during the first MCU marathon screenings leading up to the midnight release, alongside my dad who was two months removed from a liver and kidney transplant. He wore an Iron Man shirt, me in my Cap duds. We were both little kids all over again.

Because no one wants to see the weak and powerless made fun of.

Probably a little of Column A, a little of Column B.

So, they were definitely fired from this, right? There’s no way you’d tank the most successful TV series of all time to make a Star Wars trilogy and then decide not to make it because of a deal with Netflix.

Don’t worry. I’m sure there are still plenty of people with no idea what they’re doing who want to make Star Wars movies.

If you don’t own a physical copy, you won’t own it. Do not trust what they tell you. They’ll break their “contract” at some point. So figure out how to get a physical copy by any means you see fit

I think that’s one element, but another is that Wonder Woman’s central thesis (that War, as an external force embodied by an immortal god with an absolutely fucking ridiculous stuffy-old-man moustache that has no business being in flashbacks from thousands of years ago, is really behind the evil in all men’s hearts)

I’m absolutely certain the only reason the didn’t set it during WW2 was to avoid Captain America comparisons.

I thought the WWI setting mostly worked, because of its well-earned reputation as a horrifyingly pointless and devastating war. It makes it the perfect counterpoint for Wonder Woman’s absurd good humor and love and all that sweet stuff.

There appears to be a surprisingly large number of white men with way too much time on their hands, who flock to any attempt to call out even the smallest examples of racism or sexism in our society. Their whole purpose appears to be to insist that 1. whatever you are talking about isn’t racist/sexist, 2. you’re

My favorite part is seeing the misogynists come out of the woodwork to try and say that abused women who fight back against their abusers are wrong because they didn’t go get support. Or that maiming in self-defense is somehow worse than killing him in self-defense. Ignoring that the early 90s were even worse than

I never realised what a talented actor he was until I saw Dollhouse. I mean, the show itself was obviously pretty flawed but his performance in the S1 finale when he switches split-second from a weird hacker trope into the villain is one of the more chilling things I’ve seen, and one of my favourite moments from a

these movies are probably, at least, 4-5 years away, which will make it almost 25 years since jackman took the role, and almost 10 years since logan.

It’s different, he wasn’t going to kill the first random black man, what I understand is that he was going to bad black neigborhoods to see kill the first black criminal to attack him. It it was an irish guy or a lithuanian guy he probably would have gone to where you can find thugs of that ethnicity. 

“It shocked me. It hurt me. I did seek help. I went to a priest…I am not racist. This was nearly 40 years ago.”

Nail on the head here. If you want to say “Well he had these thoughts decades ago so obviously he’s a horrible racist!”, you’re not helping.  If you say “I’m triggered by this story!” then that’s your hangup, you have to work through your own feelings.  I honestly applaud the guy for making the statement he did in