Doc Eon

I think he should know well enough to compartmentalize the actor and director parts of himself. Yes, the movies he was in sucked, and sure, it must’ve been hard to take all that criticism. But in that meme you mentioned, Henry Cavill was right next to him gamely soldiering on, doing what every actor knows full well

I quite liked that live-TV remake they did with Jason Flemyng a few years ago.

The Quatermass serials are of course wonderful, but I don’t know how possible it is to be faithful to it these days. The thematic subtext is incredibly reactionary, real classic “Stodgy old Tory” stuff (try the final Quatermass serial, the

I find it fairly easy to empathize with him. He was coming off of his grand comback as a director and actor with Argo after years of being the butt of jokes about Daredevil, Gigli, and his relationships. Here he was, seemingly back on top, with a second chance to make a good comic book movie. South Park even dedicated

Can’t recall his name (I tend to get him confused with Paul Frees) but he did a lot of voiceovers in the ‘60s. Surely one of the commentariat will know.

And ladies, we didn’t forget you! We have that woman you liked from that show years ago! Drink up!

“Hey hispters! Put down that triple honey IPA and try our mediocre lager that’s a half-step above Bud Light. Look we even got the guy from that one movie you like.”

Here’s a challenge: describe Steppenwolf, the villain from ‘Justice League’, going only on what is provided in the movie. Who is he, what’s his motivation, what are the features of his personality? Can anyone do more than a few words? I know he want the Mother Boxes, but why? This was, I think, the biggest problem

I would have pegged Bruce Willis but no one even wanted to watch his Death Wish 

Who would have called Liam Neeson as this generation’s Bronson when Schindler’s List came out?

Donkey Kong only behaves that way because Mario abused him for years. This is simply the result of rampant government deregulation brought on by years of unchecked lobbying from Big Circus.    

“Next up on Fox News: Donkey Kong. Who is this dangerous girlfriend-kidnapping simian? Why does he want to redistribute your barrels? And how has he influenced hard-left radical ‘Sandy’ Ocasio-Cortez?”

Mediocre is giving it a lot of credit. It was every crappy thing about modern comedies rolled into one. 

I went to a theater to see it because of all the spiteful nerd rage against female Ghostbusters and I wanted it to be good, but it just wasn’t. I wasn’t angry about seeing it and I watched it again when I could stream it later just to double check and it was just meh. It had the potential to be good and fun without

Can we all just agree that irrespective of the politics surrounding it Ghostbusters 2016 was mediocre at best. This new film sounds like it’s going to be absolute tosh too.

Rewatching Unbreakable this week in preparation for this movie, I was really struck by how good Willis is in it. It’s a quiet, wounded performance but also one where you feel the bond between him and his son and the basic decency of this guy who really doesn’t understand himself. I wish we got that Willis more often.  

... and his wedding night.

We don’t have to imagine it. That was his 2012 campaign motto.

Yeah, well, far-right fascists have been tone-deafly quoting MLK for 60 years. AOC can quote Rorschach.

Now playing

This seems weird to say about the song Africa, but there is something a little too soft about Weezer’s cover of it. Anyway, i’m endanger of getting really sick of this song, as it’s in heavy rotation on the Alt station i listen to. I wish they would throw in Weezer’s cover of Rosanna every once in a while to mix it up.

Yeah, I didn’t realize some rando teenager spearheaded this, but ... it’s... fine? Like, it sounds JUST LIKE Toto. They bring nothing new to it. I don’t get it. I won’t turn it off, but neither does it excite me.