Doc Eon

A) It takes years. OTOH, if some version of the book plot is resurrected, he can find some helpful clues in shorter time.

The major weakness of this review is that it doesn't explain the different game modes. But other reviews I've seen state that the single-player campaign is the meat and potatos of this game.

Yeah he doesn't have the horn or the rogue's gallery of crewmen, or even the crow's eye.

All the Children's weapons looked like they were obsidian.

You'd think the Khals would notice there was a funny smell. Then again, maybe they were all really drunk.

A lot of people seem to be drawing that conclusion. Is that verified somewhere, or just a hunch?

I'm not concerned with her fire immunity.

So is the subtext of this whole article "Get off GRR Martin's back"?

In the books the Hound is alive and hiding out as a monk, essentially.
This is only shown in one brief scene, from the POV of someone who doesn't recognize him, so we don't really know his motivations.

Of course I meant the show, I know perfectly well how many were in the book. :)

Right, the fighting arm of the faith in the books is composed of trained soldiers, even some knights, who have become rootless throught the war, and younger sons of nobles with no chance of inheritance. Sort of like if the Templars etc. had sworn allegiance to the Pope instead of setting up their own power bases.

Well, I would like that too, but the show has been very pointedly avoiding any hint of non-Bran warging abilities (apart from Rickon's dream of Ned dying way back when). I've pretty much given up hope of that fact coming back into play by now.

I counted 6 versus 2.

I thought it was that she didn't mention Meryn Trant.

This is true. Most of the starting characters are direct parodies of Secret Army.

I kind of think about it the other way around. It's been pretty clear in the books that Victarion's fleet is how Dany's getting to Westeros, so giving her another fleet in the earlier seasons was the showrunners' way of ignoring that subplot as long as they felt like it. So the burning of the ships last episode was a

Depends. Are Sam and Gilly on the cast list for this year? If so, there's nothing else for them to do.

Good point about the teleporting Speary Snake and Whippy Snake.

Yes, that was Dany's fleet. I see it as a move to actually get back on track with the books. Allow me to explain: they introduced the idea that Dany already had boats as a way to jettison the Greyjoy storyline, or at least have the option to do so. But now the Iron Islands seem to be back on the shooting schedule, so