Doc Eon

"we don’t find out the exact nature of the photos in Evelyn Poole‘s possession"

So… we're not talking about the LMD tease?

There is strong evidence.

Hmmm, so Chandler is the "wolf of god", huh? Interested to see how that plays out.

So in the preview for next ep the term "Inhumans" is finally used. That's a relief, I thought they were gonna be coy about it a lot longer.

Oh right, I had forgotten that horribly stupid sequence. Well, then I guess she's just off in a corner somewhere, sulking.

Still MIA: the fact that all the Stark kids are wargs. The series has kept in a few events that allude to it, but hasn't developed them. OTOH, it hasn't led to much that's useful in the books so far, either, it just serves as very advanced foreshadowing. Maybe DD are saving the reveal for some more dramatic moment.

Jaqen is probably in the books in another capacity, but I strongly suspect the Citadel storyline won't make it into the show. So I have no problem with adding a familiar face to Braavos.

Ansgar is a name from history - though the real Ansgar was not exactly some lone door-to-door missionary who failed the iron burden test (which is later medieval and actually a christian test rather than viking era, but I digress).

Meh, that's nothing. Historically all of Aethelwulf's kids were by his first wife, Osburh. He only married Judith when the children (5 sons, 1 daughter) had all grown up and some of them were conspiring against them.
Also, his daughter married King Burgred of Mercia…which clearly isn't happening on the show.

Historically you're right.

The most annoying thing is that out of all the presumably trained scientific minds on the expedition, not one points out that the "ancient astronauts" hypothesis is utter nonsense…

If he really said that, the only possible retort is: ROFL.

They promised what, now? Never heard that. The show as a whole is in fact laughably inaccurate about a great many things. Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy it, but it's clearly not making any serious attempt to tell actual history.

No, it's just visual shorthand so viewers don't need more explanation as to what's going on.

Why on earth would they put two known mad scientists in the same cell? o.O

Yeah… I've only seen the cut-down US version, so missed the market scene described earlier, but that confuses me: she might not be married to a king, but she's shacked up with the king's brother, so why are they strapped for cash?

I was wondering what was up with Rollo and Siggy, actually. I thought they ended last season in a pretty good spot?

You mean Mercia. But yeah, the previews promised much bigger fish to fry.

I thought Rollo had been confirmed as being Gånge-Rolf.
Which would mean he lives to accomplish quite a lot more.