Doc Eon

I guess because he was convinced that Flash is a good guy?

I was a little annoyed that they jumped out of the plane while the light was still red, but… eh, that's about all I can criticize this ep for. ;)

I'm guessing they gave Pied Piper back his hearing aid because he's in constant pain without it, and they thought they'd disabled its other powers.

The zooming in on CCTV footage was a really bad trope, that took me out of the episode for a bit.

"to use a technical term, does that thing of where she spins in place and then takes a stride and repeats"

Sounds like he misunderstood the idea of the "flipped classroom"…

From the way the reviewer describes it he seems to have missed the part of the scene when the medium burst into fire. Maybe his network edited that out?

Yes, the graphic breaks down the battle as it happened IN THE BOOK.

But he's still writing the script, right?
So I'm still not gonna go see this.

More to the point, they probably went to that specific station (instead of, say, a bigger one) because they saw the same poster and didn't think any further than that.

Sigh. I guess it's canon now that the period between the trilogies was wall-to-wall with jedi-in-hiding, sort-of-jedi and wannabee-sith? I haven't kept up, so I really don't know.

I know it is. What I didn't know was that the shock of seeing someone alive who tried to kill you and you thought was dead is a great help in recovering from it. I suppose it never occured to anyone to test for that…

Probably the one about military life during the colonial wars:
"Perfecting the art of ordering a gin fizz in the officers' mess and learning to say 'do you do it doggy-doggy' in swahili"
(quoted from memory, might not be accurate)

There's a scene near the end that explains that. Yewll installed Amanda's without a proper laboratory setup, so some material from the implant escaped without them noticing. It looks like a metal dust floating in the air, so I'm guessing this is nano-tech that can rebuild itself from the smallest fragment. Also, it

So next week, everybody gets to fight a Terminator?

I agree with this analysis, mostly.

Christie is kind of notable for being this show's only real Bechdel fail, in that she has no discernable interests outside of her man.
The other main female characters all have some sort of agenda of their own.

Yeah, while I could agree that Brooklyn was somewhat better than Marlene this episode, Marlene was much superior to Brooklyn last week.

At one point, Fenton was sitting in what must have been sunlight (given the time of day) from a window and it didn't seem to bother him at all.

3 or 4 of them, actually…