Doc Eon

Well Chris Evans has said he doesn't want to act anymore after his contract is up, so sure, it's entirely possible they're at least putting the pieces into place to shift to Bucky-as-Cap if need be.

The character is credited as Sharon Carter, so unless they want to say the name is just a coincidence…

Funny detail: Floki is very contempous of anything non-Scandinavian… but in the opening feast he's eating with a spoon…

If this had been Torchwood, that might very well have been the rationale.

The good news is that Captain America agrees with you.

There's a few suspects in Cap 2, some more likely than others, but no out and out reveal of the Clairvoyant.

The WS scene wasn't in the torrent I watched, but judging from a certain scene in the episode, I'd say this takes place slightly before the movie. As in, a day or two before the movie's opening scene.

She said she was an ex-nun.

For all we know she already wasted the fool, and that's how she got the army…

Heck, that's nothing. It's been implied that Rollo is going to turn out to be Rollo the Walker. Historically, he's a generation later. So clearly the History Channel cares nothing for our puny timelines. ;)

We know from Treasure Island that he marries someone of "African descent". So I was thinking the slave girl on the ship, maybe. But the smart money is still on Max, I guess.

I like how they drop in some bits out of history when it serves the story (Vane taking Nassau, the treasure fleet being wrecked in a storm), but ignore it when they feel like it (Vane and Rackham didn't part ways that early).

Well, Ward wasn't supposed to go in, just stop any escaping out back, but yeah, still…
They did learn their lesson tho - all the agents busting down the door in Vegas were female.

Well, the show seems to be picking up on at least part of her story from the sagas, so there's a good chance your wish will come true.

I thought Ragnar was questioning the serving girl to find out if she was a spy, actually. And he didn't feel like explaining himself to Aslaug because he doesn't think much of her brains.

The good thing about the Athenian "empire" is it didn't last very long. The Peloponnesian war put an end to that.

I see what you mean about Max.
Another candidate for "Silver's future wife" was introduced this episode, though.

Yeah, the only big question about Billy is the logistics of how we wind up at the opening of the book. I mean, him having the map, but apparently going it solo.

SPOILERS from a 130 year old book:

I wouldn't say the battle scene was "awesome".
I'd say it shows pretty well what happens when vikings fight each other: since they know the same tactics, no side has an advantage, and the whole thing degenerates into a bloody mess.
I did like the relatively understated berserkergang, too.