Doc Eon

Huh. The chronology is a bit off, but this show has never let history
stand in the way of a good story before. This is true of most of the
History Channel, actually…. :P

Perhaps "theme" was the wrong word, but Moonraker is the only one in which anyone actually goes into space.

Yeah, yeah, can you bring back some functionality to the site once you're finished gorging on birdmeat? Getting My TV Club back would be nice, for starters… Then you can do something about the hideous graphic design and layout that has afflcted the front page.

OTOH, the reviewer couldn't be bothered to differentiate between Norway and Sweden anyway. :P

Indeed, Hopkins was phoning it in. And that hurts the movie pretty badly, in my opinion.

And also, the stuff in the epilogue about seeing through clothes is pure BS, real X-rays don't work that way and neither did the eye visuals shown during the episode work that way.

Weird. I'm usually among the more critical commenters, but honestly I thought this was the best episode of the season so far.

Amy - got a typical Doriana BS Disco with nothing but lifts, but she coped as well as she could.
Aaron - was also given nothing but lifts to do, but he handled what he was given perfectly.
Fikshun - technically he's much improved, but I couldn't see him as the character they described.
Paul - as I've stated above, the

It's not "pretty" that's the sin, it's "sexy and I know it".

Obviously, neither Jenna nor Makenzie were ever going to happen with the voting audience. I was mildly surprised to see Jenna saved this week, though she did have the better routine. She's toast next week, though.


I wasn't really feeling the Paso either. Mostly due to some atrocious choreography.
Oh and BTW, a Pirate -themed Paso is in no way as original as Nigel thinks. I can guarantee that Jean Marc has seen this:…

To go off on a tangent here: when did Alex Wong morph into young Jackie Chan?
The resemblance is eerie…

The thing about dancing with a pro is that, yes it certainly helped Hayley concentrate on the dancing without having to worry about carrying her partner, but on the other hand it fixes everybody's attention more squarely on her. Since only one person is being judged, you have time to scrutinize every little detail in

Interesting that you would think Malice overshadowed Alan. To me, he was being a patient and supportive partner, carrying her through a style that she clearly wasn't at home in.


It actually means "bewildered" or "perplexed".

Well some of it is down to Yashida's plans and those of his son intersecting in messy ways, but mostly Yashida just has a bad case of movie villain syndrome. His plan is needlessly complicated and depends on a lot of pieces falling into place exactly in the right way.

Yeah, I never realized Jack Handey was his real name, either. I thought it was a character.

A.C.R.O.N.Y.M. was just about the only thing that got a laugh out of me.