Doc Eon

That's because everybody but you instantly forgot about Whiny Son as soon as he wasn't on screen.

Agree except with a detail in point 3. Two "cha"s is more accurate than three, if you actually understand the music.

Yes. The previous episodes were just the auditions to see who would get to be on the season. :)

You know what strikes me as odd about this top 20, as opposed to the past 4 seasons or so?

"Curtis and Brittany"… you mean Hayley. Brittany danced with BluPrint.

They always do that. At least in later years, my memory gets hazy further back.

I assume clumping together into a town is for protection.

More fake-outs this week, sigh…

Well, she didn't know that the rain would be razor. But other than that, yeah, it seemed weird.

Also, her voice was hoarse like Helena's.

"the inquisitor's reveal as Jack the Ripper was somewhat clumsy"

I'm so old that when you say "the girl from Spy Kids" I think of Carla Gugino…

Going just by the clips we've been shown… definitely an ego thing. Which in one respect is totally justified - he was in fact too good for that and simply on technical merit should have gone straight through. But on the other hand, with the kind of attitude he's displayed, he'd never make it through Vegas.

I think that's a different (and younger) haughty slavic blonde.

I guess that Armen guy? Though calling russian "euro" is a bit of a stretch.

I can't believe they're still pulling that "no to choreography, yes to Vegas" gag…

That's where I recognized him from!

It's his precioussss…

Somehow you have missed the fact that several people in the books believe that Mel has got it all wrong and that the prophecy actually refers to Dany.