Doc Eon

He didn't, he's just trolling.

Something tells me when she shows up again, they won't want to have her looking as ghoulish as in the books.

Of course Mel has powers, that's not in question. The question is, what is the SOURCE of those powers? Is it her god, or is it some non-divine form of magic that she wrongly attributes to her faith?

Of course it did, you could see it in his eyes. ACTING!

That's not all they shave.

Just the ones that - to Stannis' knowledge - have declared themselves kings.

There is much and more to cut out…

Yes, Ghost found it for them, but not having any understanding of the Chekhov's Dragonglass principle (or the Direwolves Always Know principle for that matter), they stupidly buried it again.

They really take every chance they can make up to say "valar morghulis" on this show, don't they? Funnily enough, the newbies still don't seem to notice.

The events of Queenscrown have been glimpsed in the season preview. Not sure if that would fit better in episode 9 or 10.

Unfortunately the Others also have blue eyes, plus on the show they walk reeaally slowly and are basically of human proportions (because there's a guy under the makeup), so I can see where the confusion is coming from.

Nothing is fully explained about Coldhands, but he does seem to have caught a touch of zombieitis while still somehow retaining his sentience. Either that, or he's something else entirely, just similar to the wights for some reason..

It would be interesting if the Loras/Cersei marriage went ahead because that would make their later interactions funnier. I mean, the subtext then would be that Cersei is trying to rid herself of an unwanted hubby, not just that she's trying to get rid of Margaery's champion.

@avclub-b62a8937e3279853ee5b66cf76558278:disqus It's not the Hand's chain of office, though. But come to think of it, we've NEVER seen that on the series, have we?

Of course it wasn't R'hllors finger pointing down from the heavens and squashing the usurpers. He works in more mysterious ways…

@avclub-d980b15d49101608dc407770f35b1d75:disqus No, the order was correct (though different) in the book. But we only learn about Balon's death second-hand and after the fact. News takes a little while to travel by raven.

@disqus_XETDBVUGZF:disqus If by "attack" you mean "actually managed not to drop the sword it AND point it in the right direction, but otherwise just stood frozen with fear", then yses.

They pretty much have to bring in the Ironborn, otherwise there's not a lot to pad out S4 with. Well, they could bring in material from the later books, but it becomes harder to get a proper season ending then. Tyrion escaping and Arya getting on a boat makes for such a good coda.

No duh. We figured that out months ago. ;)

I agree, Tywin will likely bite it in S04E09.