Doc Eon

You're still almost certainly wrong. No way can they cram that in there, too.

Interesting change at the wedding: they switched the kneeling/stool thing around.

Honestly, I got bored with the DWTS formula a few seasons ago.

@avclub-ed279991297d161c6fa41c29869c19ac:disqus Miniskirts on climate-controlled starships are one thing. Traipsing around the outback in pumps is something else. ;)

"Is it possible that there aren’t a lot of ballroom dancers on SYTYCD because there’s an expansive competitive circuit that one could devote their efforts to instead of this show?"

Nolan didn't get suspicious at the impractical attire of the "cop" he handed the prisoner off to, either…

I fully support the plot going in this direction.

@lawanddisorder1986:disqus The riders were the true Others (or White Walkers as the series likes to call them). Also IIRC at least some of the attackers in the season 1 opening. Apart from that I believe we've only been shown Wights (the ice zombies).

Your edited version is correct. Even so, it leaves her nothing to do next season but march on Meereen, sit outside Meereen… wait…. wait… and eventually take it.

@avclub-d301bce59916e4713089b7b3c335635a:disqus  Not in dialogue. But visually it's been plain as day. Not that that's stopped tons of people from missing it…

Well, at least in the series they're trying to give her a motive. Jealousy.

@avclub-7e1ce4ce3124fd9ecc13a151afcff11b:disqus Well, if the wildlings calling Jon out as a warg as soon as Ghost helped him kill the Halfhand is "barely any evidence" then you're a hard judge to please…
And my recollection is that Aryas wolf dreams were pretty much on a loop by this point. I could be off, I guess.

Oh. I thought he said "most men fuck their dogs".  Whew.

Not random at all. I've said ever since season 2 that the show is doing a shitty job adapting certain characters, Jon foremost among them. And I know I'm not alone in that sentiment.

How slow is Arya being, not responding to the greeting Thoros and Mel exchange?

Well, Queenscrown is gonna happen this season, at least. Probably no more than that, though.

No Tyrion isn't hand, Tywin sends Tyrion out to be the greeter as a kind of insult to Oberyn.

Not a chance.

Except it's not even Jon who shoots Ygritte in the book. He just watches.

It was kind of "rrrholloro".
By which I mean it started with a rolling r, had a slight exhalation before the o, and then tacked another o to the end - which I'm assuming was a possessive ending, since he was saying "priestess of R'hllor".