Doc Eon

Thoros says it in this episode. He's speaking Valyrian, not Westerosi, but I assume the pronunciation would be the same.

Gonna be hard to get all the Night's Watch to call him "Slayer" if none of them are around to see it, though.

Either that, or it's the app that shows where your iPhone is.

@avclub-2300d8171ca46be1ee5a72d2837c1b6d:disqus The joke's on him because (as I mentioned in another thread) he obviously doesn't know jack about Plato.

The fluff was even inaccurate. If we had told Plato we could replace his failing body parts he would have told us to get lost - he didn't put much stock in any of the physical world, ya know…

Yes, and all of the complaints in the thread above melt away if you realize that  people are only going nuts once a year because it's a safety valve installed in them by the super-computer that rules their world and was originally programmed by a space traveller.

The after-credits scene redeemed the whole Tony VO narration thing for me, which up till that point had really bugged me.

@avclub-f4472a834b603fe1951ca9c3e0fc73ce:disqus In the book the order of events is:
1) Stannis does his curse with the leeches filled with Edric's blood.
2) We learn of Balon's off-camera death. (I forget from who)
3) Red Wedding.
4) Joffrey's wedding.

Well, the Faceless Men believe in all the gods, but their main guy is NOT R'hllor. Jaqen was just referencing him there because of the fire.

@avclub-5b899fb5797bf2bbb333c41688befd25:disqus Why would anyone think Athelstane's christianity saved him? It was clearly Lagertha's sacrifice that broke the sickness. ;)

Yes, he promises to take Dragonstone because that's the only way Cersei will release the fleet to protect Highgarden against the Iron Islanders.

While "mhysa" spcifically refers to Dany, I already theorized last week that they might try to extend the theme (like how "kissed by fire" could refer to both Ygritte's red hair and to the all the Lord of Light malarkey) to other mothers. And I did state for the record that I want the closing scene of the season to be

Yes, this week the credit sequence swooped in closer on the second city at Slaver's Bay and clearly showed the name Yunkai. Meereen isn't on the map yet.

Huh, I heard "not right", as in "doesn't look like he belongs in suburbia". But it certainly could have been "white" now that I think about it.

They're doing just dandy until Balon slips up…

No, it's an addition. In the book the Tyrell women come up with their Sansa plot all on their own. Though Littlefinger seems to suggest that he was in on it somehow. Then again, he says that about EVERY plot…

@avclub-75f023b01584c7f37883f41c2a2b91ca:disqus I can't speak for everyone, but I'm right-handed and I do it the opposite way to you.

Yes, I recognize that there is a boatload of cliches, nonsensical behavior, stilted exposition, logical gaffes and on and so forth… but I'm still willing to give this the benefit of the doubt because I like the atmosphere they're going for and I like several of the characters.

No, they were shown to bury it again. For no fucking reason whatsoever. I mean, Ghost leads them to it and they don't realize it's important? That's a Darwin Award-worthy level of dumb..