Doc Eon

Can you actually read the name? I couldn't make it out.
But in any case, there's clearly only 2 cities around Slaver's Bay, which I suppose means that either Astapor or Meereen will be subbing in for Yunkai. I wonder which one makes more sense. Meereen, probably.

Episode 8 is "Second Sons" and episode 10 is "Mhysa". So those will be the battle outside Yunkai and the aftermath, respectively. Apparently the burning of Astapor will be next week. So I'm guessing there won't be a whole lot of Dany in eps 5 through 7.

In the book it happened during the march between the Fist and Craster's, but in the show they were shown as re-burying the dragonlass cache without keeping any of it for use, so they have to re-discover it before Sam can become the Slayer..

Yeah they seem to have cut the curse scene. They probably think it's too much foreshadowing and would lessen the impact of the RW.

There is such a scene in one of the season previews they put up. It was a big WTF moment for me, all I could think was maybe the showrunners think viewers won't understand that they have the same religion unless the characters are put in the same room. But the Gendry explanation makes more sense.

Not much of a spoiler. I mean, there's a double helix in the title sequence, for crying out loud. Even without that, it's the first idea that naturally crosses a genre nerd's mind. Oh, and it's spilled in the teaser for next week's episode.

BTW, Sigi or SIggy is probably short for Sigrid. A fairly common Norse woman's name.

I was kind of wondering why they didn't just call her a Valkyrie.

The geography is kind of hazy. The fjord would seem to indicate Norway, but they call the Jarl's village Kattegatt - which is actually the sea between Denmark and Sweden…

Yes, that is the (only) source. But hey, it makes for good TV, so let's run with it.

Skip: I think they were just poorer, non-landowning farmers. We don't have a lot of sources for Viking class structure (the ones we do have are mostly interested in the upper echelons), but it seems a fair assumption that there was some kind of working class inbetween the thralls and the carls.

"We’ve also lost Sam fighting the White Walker with the dragonglass (though I assume this will be moved to later in the season)"

Littlefinger did broker the entire Lannister-Tyrell deal. The connection always seemed clear enough to me.

I have a Top 1 list.

@avclub-42998cf32d552343bc8e460416382dca:disqus Actually, I was thinking about a scene with Tywin himself where he drops broad hints.

Yeah, we're just being hipsters about it….

Well, in post-viking Scandinavia "knekt" came to mean common soldier, while for knights we imported and modified the german "ritter".

Personally I think the difference is visually extremely obvious, but clearly it isn't enough for the non-readers.

I was assuming that Ragnar is actually in the upper echelon of farmers - it's not a village, it's all his farm and those people were his farmhands and whatnot.

Didn't see the preview for next week? Want spoilers?