Doc Eon

The perfectly apparent reason was that they had been making eyes at each other ever since the scene where the Jarl offered his daughter to Rollo.

I think season 2 was just too short to make Arya's descent into sociopathy believable. There is a lot of shit that happens in book 2 that makes her desensitized enough to slit a man's throat in cold blood, and there wasn't time to set all that up.

The big deal is that Ghost is what makes the wildlings realize Jon is a skinchanger, which leads to the reveal of all that entails.

Aha! I was looking at the list of episode titles and that was the only one that had me wondering, but your interpretation makes perfect sense.

No, Sam killing an actual Other with obsidian happens later, during the confused retreat.

It's strongly hinted in the books that the Westerlings were acting on Tywin's order, so not too much of a reach TBH.

SPOILERS about changed stuff.

There is already no reason for Dontos to have been introduced, since Littlefinger approached Sansa directly instead of working through a middleman.

Oh, your take is that the second shot was Colt? I was assuming it was a double tap from Tim… or that there was a weird echo in that valley.

I thought I saw a woman taking a punch at the very end of the last fight, but it's hard to say for sure.

What the heck are you on about? Gaius Julius Caesar IS the name of the guy who will become dictator and be assassinated on the Ides of March.

So you know a shieldmaiden is serious about going into battle when she puts on her eyeshadow.

Also, both their faces were so dirty you couldn't see what they looked like…

@jwood:disqus A lot of the facts in depictions of the Rus seem to gel with their Norse ancestry, but not all of it. There was probably some cultural drift.

Yeah, but that Rollo lived almost 2 centuries later…

Hey, if it has actual longships, that's one up on GoT, where the series has the Ironborn sailing in the same friggin cogs as everyone else…

"Fugazi" was the word for something fake.

By "something", you mean the fact that he was still twitching?

By "something", you mean the fact that he was still twitching?

It wasn't just the princess…