Doc Eon

One of the guys Mary was drooling over did a ballroom solo. But yeah, that was also in a montage.

@google-6fbe2991e602992cd0d14338a7dfa59d:disqus They can still save it. Before the kill, Jaqen has to give her the coin and the phrase (and change his face). That also originally happens in Harrenhall, but apparently they've moved it to after for some reason I can't fathom. I'm confident at least THAT scene is in, in

@google-6fbe2991e602992cd0d14338a7dfa59d:disqus They can still save it. Before the kill, Jaqen has to give her the coin and the phrase (and change his face). That also originally happens in Harrenhall, but apparently they've moved it to after for some reason I can't fathom. I'm confident at least THAT scene is in, in

Arguably, Arya's arc from book 2 was impossible to put up on the screen for lack of time. I understand the need for compression. Personally, the only thing that would really piss me off is if they chicken out of having her slash someone's throat in the last episode.

Arguably, Arya's arc from book 2 was impossible to put up on the screen for lack of time. I understand the need for compression. Personally, the only thing that would really piss me off is if they chicken out of having her slash someone's throat in the last episode.

The one way Blackwater was better:

The one way Blackwater was better:

One way this battle was better than Helm's Deep:
the archers actually say "loose" (historically correct) instead of "fire" (anachronistic pandering).

One way this battle was better than Helm's Deep:
the archers actually say "loose" (historically correct) instead of "fire" (anachronistic pandering).

I thought mistaking Switzerland for Sweden was just a joke thing?
Apparently not for the AV Club reviewers…  ;/

I thought mistaking Switzerland for Sweden was just a joke thing?
Apparently not for the AV Club reviewers…  ;/

If she really is from Volantis, then she can't be Jeyne… except if for some reason she was sent to Volantis as a child to live with her mother's family?

If she really is from Volantis, then she can't be Jeyne… except if for some reason she was sent to Volantis as a child to live with her mother's family?

Add me to the list of people who will be extremely disappointed if Arya doesn't get her final scene from the book before this season is over…

Add me to the list of people who will be extremely disappointed if Arya doesn't get her final scene from the book before this season is over…

The mind palace is actually a real technique, though I haven't heard it called "palace" before.

"Unless they are going to send Rickon off with someone else and have Osha become a composite of Jojen/Meera."

Slow? You're funny…

Didn't see the preview, but no that sounds horribly wrong. The faceless men worshipping the lord of light would make no friggin sense at all. Please don't go that way, HBO… :P

I kind of thought "war is hell" was the theme.
Specifically, "war is an undeserved hell for ordinary people who really have no stake in it".