Doc Eon

Agree, the show might be conflating the warlocks with the 13 so as not to have two power groups in the city.

It probably was Jeyne under a false name ("Talissa" or something?)

You don't recall them happening at once because the book does not do smash cuts between locations. The book spends its time in one character's POV until it's good and ready to move on.

@avclub-d980b15d49101608dc407770f35b1d75:disqus Castle? Renly's in a tent the whole time. Storm's End seems to have been cut entirely from the show.

I think they're just cutting out Lorch. I consider Roose taking over Harrenhall to be a necessary plot point: it shows that the Bolton family are not to be trusted.

It's because they've conflated the village from the book with the outskirts of Harrenhall.

Polliver was the armored one who nabbed Needle, and she heard someone use his name, that's why he's on the list. The Tickler isn't yet because she hasn't heard what he's called.

@avclub-eb573591cef285c12701571987b08381:disqus Clearly rats. Better check the prescription for your glasses, prof…

Tywin replacing Amory Lorch, absolutely. But we do get to see Roose in this episode, and the Bolton family is kinda important later, so I think it's still likely that Harrenhall could change hands. They have plenty of time to do it - Arya doesn't leave the place until the very end of the book, after all.

Americans seem to dig the horse-faced ladies.
Exhibits A and B: Jennifers Aniston and Garner.

They look kinda like I would expect a bunch of Cthulhu-worshipping Vikings to look. :P

I've always seen Arya's story as the creation of a child soldier.

Either that or the magic coming back is what allows dragons to hatch from fossilized eggs.

Here's hoping. THey should be able to spend 1 more episode on the road before getting to Harrenhall.

Well, in TV logic, spending all this time fleshing out Osha only to have her wander off stage with Rickon and not come back for 4 seasons or something doesn't make a lot of sense.

I suspect the show is cutting Edric Storm (and Mya Stone, for that matter). A minor character, there to make a minor plot point.

@Johnny Mnemonic :
Yes, essentially both those motivations were part of the equation.

Deleted comment because it's in the wrong place. :P

@avclub-f2bb3fde1fe4de3211cccfa3a66c4124:disqus I think that the impact on the lower classes will be

Only if the people of Westeros start remembering their history…