Doc Eon

Ah, too bad.
I really like the iron islanders, here's hoping the series gets gist of their culture correct. :)

I guess he could start having all the visions himself?

Well, I'm pretty sure I've seen a priest of the Drowned God in some of the previews for this season, and I have to assume it's Aeron because who else would it be?

And not mentioned by name in THIS episode, I thought? Just some comment about his title…

I thought the exact same thing as Todd about the name change. I understand Asha sounds too much like Osha, but WTH pick another easily confused name then? I suppose Yara and Arya are far enough apart in age that it's easier to keep them separated in your mind, but still.

Exactly, mratfink. The only reason I could come up with for the change was that they didn't want to cast someone as Roose just to have him in one scene or so.

This brings up a more general isue with the adaptation. There are several characters that wander around in sort-of-disguise for a while, in that Martin doesn't immediately tell us who they are because the POV character wouldn't know. How's that gonna work in a visual medium?


Increasing Robb's part isn't really very hard. Just show us all the battles that happen offstage in the books. Tough on the budget, I guess, but hey. Oh, and WhedonWorship is probably right that the romance will get more screen time. I think I could predict that just from the preview trailers.

Dunno, but they obviously will, because a preview covering new actors in s2 included one playing Jeyne.

@ Archmage: funny, I remember it as being Wayne Gretzky's line. Though I believe Nealon was playing his roommate in that sketch.

In Swedish, sopa means garbage…

No, she's in the trailer.

The reason people don't bitch about unrealistic stuff in the previous films is a little something called "suspension of disbelief". Many were willing to suspend their disbelief for those old movies' sake, but not for this new one. Why is that, do you think?

Yes, she actually has a name, not to mention a ton of aliases. I'm not sure how the trend of referring to her by only the honorific got started. I don't think Dumas did that too much, but my memory is not altogether reliable…

Colby is correct: the root of this particular evil was the decision to go with the "Chariots of the Gods" theme to begin with. It's such a mind-bogglingly stupid idea that it cannot possibly end well - it just leads to sooo many inconsistencies that need to be explained away, and "where did all the tech go" is

I guess it depends on what you want out of an action setpiece. The ones in the first movie were necessary to tell the story, in that they showed Neo's evolving understanding of the world, and they worked according to an internal logic.

I've read other articles attempting to defend the sequels by explaining all the symbolism in them. The argument seems to be that depth of intention equals quality.