Doc Eon

I would contend that you also need to shave off the "let's give up all our technology and live in caves" dialog.

That wouldn't work because then the next group to arrive from the original timeline would say "Huh? No, WE are the 6th pilgrimage, dunno who those guys are."

It's really nothing new for id to release a poorly optimized mess of code.
Even back when they were PC-only, they released a steaming pile of garbage like Q3 Team Arena.

Her "structually precious outfits" certainly help. I suspect it was supposed to be "precarious", but that dress does display her precious assets very well.

Yeah, I'm ditching this too, now. I stuck with V and No Ordinary Family for far too long, and even Falling Skies for 4-5 eps, but I'm not falling for it again. There's no way this show could improve.

Just do a search on isohunt, darkeny…

So now the pilgrimages are only a week apart instead of a year or more like it seems the others were? Wow, I guess that unpredictable time portal thing works according to the laws of TV logic.

But all those examples had entertaining elements to them that made you put up with the lame parts. Well, at least the first 3 did. TNG I only put up with because I was too young to know any better…

I'm starting to think that the top 3 this week will be the final 3. Certainly Viktor and Anya. Bert could still faceplant if he gets a challenge that clashes with his attitude.

Well, your all-caps point is stupid and has been answered already in multiple threads. Sorry.

There's a brief exchange between Shannon and Taylor that shows there is some way to send messages to the future. Apparently this was explained more in an interview - someone references it in another thread.

Like I said in another thread: if they can't invent a way to escape the Earth in those 20 million years, they win the Darwin Award.

I was OK with most of the effects. The one that bugged me was when all of the brachiosaurs kept looping through the "eat out of the little girl's hand" animation, even though she had stopped feeding them - and only one of them was near her anyway.

Or perhaps they just mean it in the very literal sense that they want to control the future of this new timeline. Of course, that would be extremely on-the-nose and boring.

Presumably they expect to get off Earth at some point before the asteroid hits.
Because if you can't invent some good space travel with 20 million years at your disposal, damn… your species deserves to die.

Yeah, as DONT PANIC noted, the mystical angle was there from the beginning, it just went completely over the top as the show went on. It didn't have to end that way, they could have kept that stuff low-key…

As for the "family of four" thing - assuming not everyone in each generation pairs off, a 2-child limit will eventually reduce population.

Yeah, what confused me slightly was that they filmed it in a way that made it seem Hicks was concealing himself. But I guess that was just the show trying to build a little more suspense by withholding the reveal.

The "drug parapharnelia" was sodium pentothal.
Which explains how the necrotic-touch guy got away - in small doses it doesn't knock you out for very long.

That "sisterhood" line is pretty much copied from the pilot of the Lynda Carter show, as well…