Doc Eon

If he was part of the experiment to see if they could make replicants believe they're human, they wouldn't have given him obviously super-human abilities, because that would have made him suspicious. Note that Rachel shows no signs of superstrength either.

@ Cooking with Cranston: no, nobody took their pills. Possibly because Zoidberg didn't tell them about it in time.

So what you're saying is that in both those movies "pushing" is defined pretty much the same way as on Alphas?

What doesn't make sense is that she says "here's the proof" or something along those lines, and then BOOM! Ummm… you mean proof you're a terrorist, Gwen? Because all you recorded was some anonymous shit blowing up.

The current Canadian season is only down to 12 dancers as of this week. What blows my mind is that 4 of them are ballroom. :0
Download it so you can just skip past any parts where the host or judges are talking, and it's quite enjoyable.

The only sensible thing that came out of Kenny Ortega's mouth all episode was when he noted that the schedule for the finale was too ambitious. 4 routines plus a solo was just too much work.

Even though no one will read this, I had to go back and check. She does approximately 2 bars of batucadas. It's hard to tell exactly because the camera angle isn't showing her legs fully at that point, so it's really a blink-and-you-missed-it deal.

Oh she has a new one already? I watched like 2-3 episodes of the amnesia one, and then I lost interest because they were already recycling jokes. How long did it last?

Well, the tango solo was a prime example of a "cheat" solo - it was originally choreographed for her by someone else, and she had already performed it a lot in competitions. To give her credit, she did shorten it to fit the timeframe, and she did change the music to be the same song she did a Tango routine to earlier

She said "batucadas". Which is a Samba move. I don't recall many of them in that routine, tho.

You mean, would they cast a whole new actor for a few seconds of one scene?

And that comment would have been better in the next thread, but oh well.

After Sasha's solo I thought "I want her to win." Then after Melanie's solo I changed my mind. Damn it! I'm getting as wishy-washy as Nigel. :P

Kelly Bundy is back
And she's just spent the last 24 hours partying. At least that's what Applegate's hair and makeup said to me.

You mean Melanie & Tadd.
But anyway - that was the routine of the night, mirrors or no mirrors.

A hair-raising power
They don't even try to explain how Danger Sense Guy works, do they?

More Cthulhu shout-outs
If it wasn't enough that the Ironborn have a squid emblem, worship a god that's beneath the waves, and keep saying "that which is dead cannot die"…

If Dany has to "go back to go forward", that could be seen as saying that she needs to reassert control over the Dothraki. Of course, it's a prophecy, it can mean any damn thing.

Yes, many and more phrases are often repeated in these books. :P

Concerning the Boltons vs. Stannis:
Regardless of what the banker knows, isn't Theon perfectly aware that the Karstarks are double-dealing? Surely he would pass on that information. He also knows that the Freys and Manderlys are at each others' throats, and if Stannis hears that he just might draw the conclusion that