Doc Eon

There hasn't been a new Strong Bad Email in… what, a year? More than that? I've lost track. :(

The big shocker
Was of course Ricky being safe. Huh. Well, I cannot possibly imagine him beating Marko in votes, so he must be in danger next week so the judges can eliminate him.

Wrong eyes
So why did Gwen need to wear the alien contacts just for a little breaking and entering? So they could text her HUD when trouble was coming? Wouldn't one of those little radio earbuds work just as well for that? Wouldn't it have been more relevant to put the contacts on the doctor they thought was going to

OK, I gave up and youtubed all of it.

Yeah, unfortunately nobody's released torrents of this week's episodes yet. :(

Mind control again?
Seems to be a very common type of power.

Funny bits
When NPH criticized the group numbers on "other shows", he must have been talking about Idol, right? Because those are truly god-awful every single time I've watched one.

Yeah, I think America got it right, for once. As for the cuts, I would have kept Clarice over Jordan, but only for one more week.

Question 1: heh. If they'll fly me over the Atlantic for it, sure. ;)

Probably just a rent-a-cop, but still. Kinda harsh. Then again, he was shooting at her.

I think the reporter voiceover was saying something about the perp having superhuman speed? Plus it looked like WW was drawing something out of him with that needle, not injecting him. So he might have been on some super-roids, I guess.

Oh and while we're on the subject of solos: of thie episode's crop, Melanie's was the only one that really stood out to me. Marko was pretty good, too. Ricky and Caitlynn had the worst.

For a long time I thought all the solos were dreamed up the night before.

I think the judges more or less said that Sasha was held back by her partner, didn't they?

Yes. I knew Chelsie was only for 1 show (because of her contract with another network), but I was surprised they were switching out everyone.

@ DB: But last year they ony started with 10, remember.

Pleased and annoyed
Pleased by: "This is teachers we're talking about. TEACHERS!"
Nice to see that this show's writing staff appreciates the job educators do.

I finally called one. After five weeks, I was able to make a 100% accurate prediction of the results show.

It's the off-season for DWTS now. I don't think they have year-round contracts.

I hate to say it, because I love her intensely, but Janette doesn't have the background to be a Ballroom All-star, unfortunately.
Chelsie, OTOH, is now a pro at making amateurs dance, so she should do really well.