Doc Eon

Australia: I would agree about Jason. I can't remember if Bonnie started out being good, but at least in the latest season she was utterly rubbish - a sentimental trainwreck who sat there gasping for air after every routine. Matt is at least very open and honest with his impressions, but often seems a bit limited in

@ Dames: I actually thought the audition episodes had some great solos and were refreshingly free of delusional people. But then, I fast forward through everything except the performances (see: hate for annoying host), so it's possible I miss a lot of stuff that would annoy me. I certainly hope so!

Most judges on most editions of SYTYCD say very little that's of any use.

I like that they haven't messed with the character designs in the slightest.
If it isn't broke, why fix it?

Comparison with Canada
I'm watching season 4 of the Canadian SYTYCD concurrently with this. They just had their first performance show and elimination this week, and so far it's shaping up as far, far superior to this US season.

It was only one sentence, and it could be interpreted that way, sure.

Having seen it now, I can say that Bfred got the girls mixed up. I predicted it beforehand, though, since the one standing on the left is way too heavily styled to be the shy one. But I can understand the confusion, since girl on the right is wearing more makeup and tighter clothes in this pic than she actually does

More interestingly:

More fun with friends
Bollywood is. I mean, when it's a big group number I can actually enjoy the style. It never seems to work for me when it's just one couple doing it, though.

I couldn't bring myself to comment because that performance left me feeling so… meh. It just sucked the energy out of me. For once, I agreed with all the judges' comments on this one.

Ryan's not-smiling technique has now improved to the point that it's not taking all her concentration, so… improvement, I guess?

Ray Leeper
To begin with I'm extremely glad that they're finally bringing in some new choreographers. OK Mandy is old hat, but she stepped up and produced a more likeable routine than she's done in a long time. I don't know if Toni is new, technically - she's done stuff for the show in auditions and Vegas, but has she

Yeah, I noticed that it was kind of loose, but I didn't mind so much. Her package actually made me warm to Sasha - she's not just "contemporary girl #5", she's got some afro-caribbean flavor. On top of that she danced the hiphop very well. Alexander is by contrast extremely "white boy" but he kept up OK and I really

This was the first week that Jess didn't annoy me, and while I agree with Donna about his pauses I still think that this was overall one of the stronger performances of the episode. Mostly I felt the same way as Travis about it.

That credit card
Only thing I didn't like about this episode. Simon knows that whats-her-name has been going into their lockers to leave threatening messages - so why would he leave the card there? For that matter, why hang on to it at all?

The theatrical piece was very impressive. I have no idea why they want to include "ballroom" in the name of the style, because there's no dancing there, it's really a circus act. But a damn fine circus act.

Miranda would be my no 1 pick, by a good margin. Largely because she seems to be an actual person, and not just a cardboard cutout.
Clarice comes in second, for being gorgeous and at least not having any annoying tics.
Melanie is undeniably cute, and she stands out somehow so I guess she's third
The rest mostly blur into

The Ballroom
I was stunned by Caitlynn and Mitchell, simply because HE outdanced HER. Normally, girls seem to have an easier time getting into Latin movement, and it looks kind of forced and unnatural on the guys. But Mitchell was a natural - his hip action was correct and he was more in tune with the music than

Overall, I felt the exact opposite: I thought there wasn't any really bad dancing this episode, and I have no clue at all who will land in the bottom 3. I was pleasantly surprised by that, almost enough to wash away the sour taste of losing Iveta and Nick.

Were they "lucky to pick contemporary", Mary? Pshaw, I say, luck had nothing to do with it! Ryan got a piece that played to her strengths, forced her not to grin, and plucked at the viewers' heartstrings. And Nigel got to claim that he was right to keep her. Coincidence? Humbug. I call Shenanigans!