Doc Eon

What, for the comic effect of their size difference? Seriously, Kristin looked tiny next to Lil' C, can you imagine her next to Cat?

Management? If Mike and the CIA have taken out everyone on the list, shouldn't he be included in that sweep? Or did he cut some special deal last season? My memory is getting so hazy on the fate of all the secondary characters…

I suppose it's a philosophical question: how many parts of a car can you replace and still claim it's the same car?

Someone who's gotten to the competitive level Iveta has can always make a comfortable living teaching, but since she's been so desperate to get on this show I assume she wants a few more years in the spotlight first. Probably she was hoping to follow in the footsteps of Dmitri, Lacey and Chelsie. I kinda doubt that

It seems a lot of people commenting here (and on another site I've visited) are crazy in love with Sasha, and are willing to have her carry Alex into the top 10.

Oh right, I almost forgot something
Couples I believe are headed for the bottom: Ryan & Ricky, Missy & Wadi, Clarice & Jess, Sasha & Alexander. Yes, I know that's 4, I can't really pick the worst 3 out of them. :P

Some comments
Ryan & Ricky: Mandy Moore. The 80's. Sigh. This is actually the only number where I suspect the judges of consciously faking their enthusiasm - "we made this the opening number, so we have to praise it!" Because the dancers were totally faking their way through the routine. The "sexiness" was just

Debbie was absolutely pointless as a judge, she was just a cheerleader.

You're all missing the real problem here: how confusing is it going to be to have 2 blonde girls in the main cast?

The OP was having a laugh at the reviewer's grammar: the quoted sentence is supposed to explain that there's 6 episodes, but can also be read as sayin there's only 6 jokes. The later reading is of course funnier.

Look, it's Apollo!
I liked that they played with the viewers' expectation of Bamber being the hero.

Double eliminations are scary because they put more pressure on the judges, and the judges on this show are not exactly known for handling difficult choices well… :P

Ooops, now my old comments reappeared from their cyberspace grave… o.O

I don't know why
…but my last 2 replies to other threads have disappeared. Let's see if I have more luck starting my own thread.

@ grrr: Yeah, Ashley & Chris were just the worst offenders. Others that I noted having problems: Jordan & Tadd, Ryan & Ricky, Missy & Wadi.

@ Brass Tax: Yeah, that's starting to come back to me now… I think I might even have written a comment about Nigel's senility on these boards.

God, the Fox boards…. I visited them the season Chelsie Hightower was on, and the amount of vitriol piled on her by the tween girls was shocking. They took one look and tagged her as one of the Mean Girls at school…

On the UK version this year, Nigel called out a ballroom routine for being off-style, making it too easy on the dancers. As it happened, he was totally wrong this time. Oh well.

I think another reason for pairing Iveta with Nick is that he might be more of an audience-pleaser, and carry her to the top 10 at least.

Tyce does bad choreo, what a surprise…
There was no connection between the music and the dancing, the music just sort of hung there like a backdrop, and it wasn't really the dancers' fault, that's just what they were given to work with.