Doc Eon

The unison was really off between Ashley and Chris, it was like they were dancing two different styles. I thought Chris' version was better, actually. Ashley was way too loose and behind the beat.

Dany seems safe to me, just because if we lose her, there's no Dothraki storyline.

Nobody else wanted to help. Bunch of ingrates.

@ molly: No no. Robb is with his main force. He wasn't hiding anywhere, his mom was. What we see is Robb returning from the battlefield to his mom's hiding place in the woods.

This from somebody who takes his handle from 4chan? :P

There is no God.
Merlin said so. And he should know, since he seems to be Jesus.

They've got around 20 years to wait for Mordred. Unless they pull a John Boorman, of course.

The base player, obviously.

Shut yo mouth!

Well, it is true that for a female to win SYTCD, she has to be someone that tween girls can identify with.

Yeah, off the top of my head I can't think of any other reality show that's as male-dominated as Idol.

There was a clip of Jess with hunched shoulders holding a hat onto his head, and it gave me an Evan flashback. Followed by a cold chill down my back. Fortunately, I can't see Jess building a fanbase as big as Evan's.

I've seen that. It was crap and had nothing to do with Biggles but the name.

In other hygiene news: somebody finally found a razor for the King! Huzzah!

Eva Green bathing
Well, at least they gave us a rationale for Morgan's very un-medieval cleanliness fetish. Shen needs to practice holding her breath. Of course. Why didn't I think of that?

@Now See Here:

@Karla: it's been done.

The best WW I story they could tell would be


A little bummed…
About the lack off ballroom. At least in the previous cities it seems a bunch of ballroom dancers got tickets (including Iveta Lukosiute, if my eyes didn't deceive me for that half-second clip), they just didn't get any air time.