Doc Eon

I don't know how Lauren got into this thread, but OK if we're on the subject…

Pasha and Anya are competent enough in all ballroom styles to teach them at their studio. The fact that they specialized in latin for competition purposes isn't really important at this level.

Also, I think she looks like Lauren Bacall.

The one good thing…
about the road trip thing is that we get to see how many of the dancers are poor little rich kids.

I agree that Melinda on the face of it seems the most interesting girl in this line-up.

Yeah, out of the 11 I count only 2 non-contemporary dancers, and unless they get a lot of sympathy votes or improve really quickly they're likely to be cut first.

On the official site Mary isn't listed as a judge. Only Nigel, Mia and Adam get bios, so I'm guessing they will be the permanent panel this season?

People who have been far down that road never quite lose the look, even when they clean up.

Born Australian, but lived in other countries since she was 18. Mainly the U.S.

Actually, I think Kate Beckinsale would have made a much more interesting Lois.

Contemporary glut, part n
Why have Toni Redpath as a judge and then not showcase any ballroom dancers?

Yeah, I don't know if she actually has an eating disorder, because then she shouldn't have the strength to pull off the moves she does. It's just that you can't really see any muscles on her, which is slightly weird.

Maybe they'd been telling him his dad was dead up until that point?

I'm starting to wonder if Adam is secretly bi…

I don't think Nigel has anything to do with DWTS. He's not credited as working on it anywhere. And it would be strange if he was allowed to produce shows for two different networks.

I watch DWTS. Partly because some of the dancing is actually good. (I'm thinking mostly of the pros here…). Partly because it's fascinating to me on a meta level. You have the cutting of the rehearsal footage and other little clips that the director or producers use to create a reality-show narrative, you have the

Iveta Lukosiute?
Was that Iveta I saw at the end of the NY audition, getting a Vegas ticket?

The big girls…
I don't get it. Megan Carter obvioulsy trains very hard to be able to dance like that. How does she keep the weight on? In order NOT to slim down, she would need to have the worst eating habits in the world.

He surprised me by actually being athletic and pulling off a few tricks. Unlike most of the deluded fools, he could probably learn to dance if he just pulled his head out of his ass.

Yeah, I was really confused by that.
When I first saw Henry I thought "Oh he's just there to help his partner get in", but then I saw he had a number on his chest.
Then I thought Nigel would say "Sorry but since you've been on the aussie show you can't do ours", but no.