Doc Eon

Or in other words, to answer Keith's puzzlement from the beginning of the article: exactly what happens between Japan and the return to London is never spelled out by Fleming, but as you surmise it isn't really hard to figure out.

That was grinder girl on Letterman. Not actually a saw. ;)
Couldn't say if it's the same person.

I agree that Faris stunk in "May", it prejudiced me against her for a while.

Oh the suspense!
Isn't it a bit boring that Heidi has named the winner 2nd every single time this season? Didn't she mix it up a bit more in earlier seasons?

She was great in Proof. The movie as a whole suffered somewhat from Hopkins being a big ham and Gyllenhaal being blah, as per their respective customs, but Paltrow being the lead made it work for me anyway.

Thanks, Wblake, I had managed to forget all about that horrid wet blanket of a movie, and here you come to remind me of it again.

@Lovecraft in Brooklyn, re: The Avengers.
They have to do at least the Thor and Ant-Man movies first, possibly Captain America as well.

Damning with faint praise…
…is what you call the judges' treatment of Ashleigh+Ryan.

@"Really?": as it is, they almost did have a rigid order for the guys, the only deviation was flipping Jakob and Ryan in the final third.

My memory must be on the blink then, since I don't recall it happening throughout the top 10 last time. Maybe once.

Ehhrm? There's been a group dance every results show, just like always.

Note that auditions for s7 being HELD in January says nothing about when they will AIR. There is a time gap between initial auditions and Vegas, and another one between Vegas and the start of the live broadcasts.

Auditions in January might mean it's going back to being a summer show? Fingers crossed…

I don't think a sympathy vote will be enough to keep Ashleigh in, either.

The best choreography this season is interestingly enough from imported choreographers: the canucks have been mentioned in these threads before, and now aussie Jason joins them.

It just wasn't rock-n-roll to me…

Yeah, the people who don't like Ryan generally seem to be talking mostly about perceived personality. That's fine - this is partly a popularity contest, after all.

…that Donna and many other commenters here preferred Ashleigh's solo to her hubby's.

In Swedish, "pippa" is one of many slang terms for fucking.

Oh shut up, Nigel
You're always going on about how hard it is for ballroom dancers to do solos… but could you for once explain why you think that? Is it because they don't do the jumps and cartwheels? Or is it simply because you don't have the technical understanding of how hard it is to do what they do?