Doc Eon

Resistance dumbness
So their idea for how to tail somebody is to put a bunch of people out in the open in places the mark might pass through? People looking very out-of-place, I might add.

Y'know Mohindrance, that actually makes sense.

Well, we learn today that being "skinned" is really something Vs want to avoid. I suspect that their disguises aren't just masks, but actually organic and tied into their systems - I can't see how else they would fool humans living in close proximity to them for several years.

Interestingly, Joshua did seem to feel it. Which would mean that you only get dis-"connected" if you've been revealed as a traitor. Or in other words, Anna picks the recipients and they can't opt out (or in, for that matter) of their own will.

A different disconnect
What has been striking me often lately is the disconnect between choreography and music. There was a lot of it tonight:

I dunno, I think possibly Kathryn and Legacy might be in danger, even though the judges tried to cover for Legacy after the Walz. Not a chance that either of them will be sent home, though.

kerouac is right, the "B" stands for spending as little time as possible on your feet…

I would place E+R in the middle of the pack this evening. Both their routines were fun and enjoyable and there was absolutely nothing to criticize about them… they just weren't my favorites.

You're overthinking it, but I can understand why.

It does sound stupid. Maybe it's a reference to something that we're missing?

I disagree. Channing is a dance robot, with a completely blank expression. Also, her solo this time was rather ho-hum. I actually enjoyed Mollee's more, and that's saying something.

The Foxtrot
It'll probably not be enough to keep them out of the bottom 3, because it's a ballroom dance and the voters don't understand it, but I thought it was actually very good. Noelle & Russell had great musicality: they pulled off a proper slow-quick-quick timing, which is something even a lot of couples

I agree with the judges' praise of Kathryn in this.

What's with the fawning?
Over Mollee & Nathan this week, I mean.

I'm hoping, as I do every week, for Mollee & Nathan to get the ax.
But sadly, I think kerouac's bottom 3 predictions are realistic.
And out of those six people, Kevin and Channing are the obvious choices for the cut.

My thoughts were "that piece of music is very difficult to dance to". Because of the long stretches of silence in it, the dancers have to hit every single beat exactly right or the wheels will come right off.

Really? Irina's parents needed subtitles? Gosh, they must have some thick Georgian peasant accents, huh?

BTW, it's episode 14 if anyone wants to go look for it…

Actually, I'm speed-watching through season 2 of SYTYCD Canada right now, and in the Top 12 performance show there is a Sean Cheeseman number that has a tap section in it that totally works.

Out of the ones in danger, yes, these were absolutely the right choices.
And as I've already noted, I thought most of Nigel's critiques were dead on the money.