Doc Eon

At first, I thought they were just doing a gender swap on the breeding program… but wait a minute, considering how human she's acting maybe Lisa already is the hybrid? Because in the original, the hybrid girl had a human boyfriend who rode a motorbike and wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed. Sound like someone we

Well, she seems to do it because she actually wants to help people, so kudos to her for that.
Benji also went on a mission, but I got the impression it was mainly to spread his kooky religion.

Has she been watching "V"?

Bland? No. Creepy? Yes.

Brief thoughts.
First Hiphop just bored me. Messy.
Viennese Waltz a bit choppy and small for my tastes, Mary correct about Jakob dancing on his tippytoes, but overall OK.
Broadway - agree completely with judges, the dancers were just lost.
Bollywood great as long as it was just Nathan doing a sword dance, after that

I haven't liked Ariana's disco routines in a long while. She just goes too crazy with the lifts. Nathan and Mollee were clearly struggling with being to pull it all off and trying to do a little dancing between all the tricks. I don't hold that against them though, I hold it against the choreographer.

They look small because that stage is way too big.

The ballroom dancers were the only group with what I'd consider really tight unison. The rest are going to have to work on that.
Though I guess it will be easier when they break into couples. Every person you add above 2 makes it exponentially harder to keep everyone together.

I was watching Billy's group and thinking "Why don't I hate this? It's Mandy Moore and Coldplay, two awful things in combination."
Then I realized that it was because of Billy. He made it all better.
So he's out? Sigh.

The lack of the staircase is a mixed blessing too. On the one hand, some choreographers did interesting things with it as a prop. On the other hand, it sometimes just obscured what was going on, and some dancers stayed on it way too long in their solos.

@ Doppelganger: the line of Topher's you quote in the beginning of your dissertation is in reference to when he brought her from the loony bin to the Dollhouse. He thought he was helping her get over her schizofrenia, but he was fooled - her psychosis was induced by drugs. It is NOT, as you seem to assume, a reference

Is that the girl who won "Scream Queens"?

I went straight to being annoyed, and never got past it. :P

Went back to double-check, and the Ninja is right: that is Danny with the champagne spurting.

I always imagine that Tim thinks Macy's accessories are so incredibly tacky, that if not handled carefully they can destroy any look…

The solo montage prompted these reactions from me:

Where do they find these people?
Referring to the audience for the roof-top cook-off between Kevin and Dave, here.
Die-hard Hell's Kitchen fans? Out-of-work actors? Or just bozos who will do anything for a chance to be on TV?

Speaking of Danny, I didn't notice him among the other old winners?

Indeed, when we got that spy-cam shot of Ariel getting out of bed I thought "Damn! Where has she been hiding those?"

Wishful thinking Smilner, but I know why: his sister is hotter than the fiancee.