Doc Eon

ROFL, I remember now!
If Petrozza was the runner-up, that tells you something about the rest of that season…

Edit: Wikipedia tells me Heather's "contract has expired". Michael and Rock have also changed jobs since their wins. I dunno, maybe moving around a lot is normal in a career as a chef?

Season 4 was the one where the winner was some wet-behind-ears girl who didn't get the real prize but a trainee position instead, right? And the reason she won is that the runner-up was something of a bumbling oaf who sometimes performed well but couldn't be counted on for consistency.

I meant "choreography AND styling"…

To continue with the "ballroom music" train of thought: someone else commented that the last Paso Doble was "two people scowling". And yes, it was an angrier dance than a classic Paso, which has the aggression more contained and icy, but here's the thing: the choreography styling was actually very appropriate to the

I felt really sorry…
…for Talia. Here she comes all the way from the Antipodes to dance and what do they do? Stick her in an ugly-ass hairdo and give her a disjointed, unmusical Sonya routine. Poor girl, she deserved better.

Was Jean-Marc even on this season? As for Tony, he sunk way too many of his routines by stupid music choices.

I thought the Waltz actually benefitted from having the extra space to sweep across, but yeah, pretty much every other dance looked lost and lonely in a big cold auditorium.

The control and center Jeanine displayed in that pirouette made me sit bolt upright and say "Did I just see that?!?" I had to play it back several times before I could really believe it.

Jeanine FTW
I have to give the edge to Jeanine tonight. Her solo was the best of the bunch, both musically and technically (god I wish I had that kind of center). She outdanced Evan completely, Kayla slightly and was well matched with Brandon.

And wrong, as well. :P

You know they make prop boots out of lightweight materials for dancers, right? I doubt those were actually hard leather boots. Regardless, she did extremely well in the Jive, outdancing Evan even though he had done Jive before (and actually improved on his previous try, I thought - though ofc Mary was right that he

You mean, except for tonight? And at least one other occasion that I recall but can't exactly place? Yeah, you're sooo right…

No, dancing together for 14 years will work, too. ;)

Umm, no Bourne, my point was the exact opposite. To be a pro on DWTS you need to not only be a good dancer, but also a great choreographer and (most importantly) teacher.

I put all of Benji's weirdness down to his religion. I mean, here's a guy who's the world champion in Swing, and he takes a year off from dancing to go on a mission for his church. I think it was to South America somewhere. Yeah, they'll be thrilled to hear the Mormon word, amigo…

You must be new to the show. Nigel talks that way about every slinky latin ballroom dress.

The season 4 dances were definitely better performed, overall. I guess they're fresher in the dancers' memories.

Mary Murphy
Since many of you might not read the comments from yesterday in last week's thread…

The difference being that even if the Project Runway contestants produce clothes that win approval within the fashion industry, to the average person most of it is still somewhere on the scale from slightly impractical to outright hideous. Which is why they don't let viewers vote on that show, I would assume…