Doc Eon

Yay me?
I finally called an elimination 100% correctly. And I kind of wish I had been wrong…

Mary was much more subdued tonight. Either she's gotten notes from the producers, or she's as heartbroken as I am over the Janette fiasco. BTW, I think Nigel was spot on about the audience voting for routines, not dancers - that's the only way to explain some of the unexpected twists we've seen this season.

Katie hatin'
Was it really that bad? I thought it was no worse than the singing and dancing of a lot of other movie stars, and I honestly didn't expect any more. It was Marilyn Monroe material - minus the sexiness of course, but meh…

I know why the repeat performances seemed flat, and the realization comes with some self-criticism.

@Caipirinha: I've been a competitive ballroom dancer (International style) - though nowhere near the dancers you see on TV in practical terms, I'm a wiz at the theory of it (being a teacher in my real life career, I tend to always approach things in terms of "how would I teach this"). I also dance a lot of salsa

I dunno, the "cancer dance" was nice and clean, but it just didn't make me feel anything. Maybe it was because I was already mentally taking leave of Melissa. Maybe I was distracted because I was a bit hungry. *Shrugs* As for that chacha, I was thinking exactly what Mary said. They had the steps but not the feel of it.

Quite an illuminating analysis. I look forward to seeing how it pans out.

I stopped predicting because I so often got it wrong, but I sure was hoping for it to be these 2, and this time my wishes came true!

But those 3 are all Russian, so it's an unfair comparison. ;)

Oh and BTW am I alone in thinking the African number was a mess? It was like they were dancing to 5 different rythms…

On the contrary, I was glad to see the bitchy Mary back. Happy-pill Mary was starting to grate on me.

Note to Kupono: matadors don't flounce. Your orientation is no excuse, lots of gay dancers can pull off macho convincingly. It's called "acting", you might want to look that up.

Other Mormons that have been on the show: Benji, Heidi, Lacey, Chelsie.

Just shocking
So my predictions are getting worse each week, eh? Well, what the hell do I know.

I feel a little sad for Phillip. We've been told that he HAS put in time trying to learn other styles, and I applaud him for that. Going into this season, I was cheering him on because he was showing exactly the right attitude.

Predictions gone awry
Well, well, well. 2 correct picks out of 3 isn't bad, but I was wrong about Caitlin-Jason, and instead Jeanine-Phillip were up for elimination? Wow, that would have been my last guess. Nice to know the voters can still be unpredictable.

Something just clicked: Edgewise, you thought I was dissing Melissa, didn't you? In hindsight I can see how someone who hadn't read all my previous posts might draw that erroneous conclusion. ;)

I'm flattered by your appraisal of my age, Edgewise, but alas, no, I'm just old and grumpy. ;)

I also wish Kupono would get cut, but from the way the judges were praising his "growth" (i.e. his ability to take every comment they give and make it look as if he's applying it) it doesn't look likely. Unless of course he totally botches his solo. Fingers crossed.

Top 14 performances
Man, there was a lot of filler this episode. Wonder if they're going to 2 routines each next week?