Doc Eon

So, ummm, what is this kid doing on the show?

Like I implied in the thread under last week's post, neither of Tyce's routines did anything for me last night, and the broadway was especially bad.

I'm just amazed you guys could tell the dancers apart under all that makeup. The three blonde girls looked identical to me. :P

My comments are a little late, I know, but I'm having trouble finding good torrents of the show this year.First off: the judges are a bit over-enthusiastic with their praise tonight, especially Adam. I'm gonna come down on the other side and be pretty grumpy in these commenst, just so you know…
*The first hiphop was

Call the cops
I didn't really understand the police treatment of Michael this episode. First they call in "all available units" to chase down a guy in wet clothes, then after a few days they just let him go? The initial reaction seems to indicate that they knew, or thought they knew, something about him. So how did

Well, Melissa is the one who was wearing a tutu in the holding room…

Agree with Sashi. I guess they decided early on that Max was their guy, so that's why they sent the other RBG (was his name Pavel?) packing last episode.

At any rate…
I'm sorta glad MS Dad Girl was cut, so we won't have to hear that story any more.


Some thoughts
Asuka and Ricky:
I think if you've only seen ballroom on SYTYCD you might have gotten spoiled by world-class couples like Anya and Pasha. These two certainly weren't up to that level, but they were still pretty darn good. And as for the unison issue, most of the time they were in fact dancing contrasting

The funny thing is that throughout the run of Firefly I just assumed they were doing FTL in some hand-waved way, and then I see the opening of Serenity…

The thing I always wonder about when Mudd (or Cyrano Jones) comes up is: I thought the Federation had done away with money? So how do these traders/rogues make a profit from their wheeling and dealing?

I can't recall there being 2 in one episode before, no…

In the end-of-the-day montages of people going to Vegas you can see some that have "ballroom" written all over them - we just didn't get to see their auditions.

Well, yes, Grrr Argh, SYTYCD is in fact not an exact reflection of the rest of the dance world. But it has ties to it, and that was what I was using to contrast with AI.

@ Richelieu: a quick googling reveals that the Earth-Romulan War took place during the years 2156-2160. The attack on the Kelvin in the new movie happens in 2233. Viewscreen tech might have advanced a bit in the meantime.

Dumbledore, that's what Old Spock is off to do…

She seemed to survive the space battle, at any rate. Would be a bummer to croak in some mundane way back on Earth after that. :P

It's quite obviously a rock quarry. Didn't know granite was a big export of Iowa. Learn something new every day at the movies…

Well, Aussie SYTYCD has Bonnie on every week, and while she doesn't let out many screams the sustained effect of her voice is like nails on a blackboard. Not to mention she makes about as much sense as Paula Abdul.