Doc Eon

The thing is: how marketable a singer is depends only in a rather small degree on their actual singing talent. A dancer's career, on the other hand, depends almost entirely on their skill at dancing.

@taiwanjason: Sorry, no, it works (almost) exactly like on Idol.

Gabby was definitely one of the best of this ep, and she did blow me away, actually.
Her combination of raw strength from her acrobatics background (those really low pivot turns that made Napoleon go "whoa"? yeah, that was my reaction too) with grace and expressiveness just make her a very unique dancer in my

As I understand it, the double seasons is only this year. They're switching to fall only next year, and obviously didn't want to have one-and-a-half year gap.

To combine this with the "loving Cat Deeley" thread, I was impressed by how she underplayed the "Mitch isn't out yet" double entendre. It was almost a blink-and-you-missed-it thing. ;)

One thing in ST:TMP's favor…
…is that it's the only movie where the original cast don't look too geriatric to actually be allowed onto a spaceship. Amazing that Wrath of Khan was made only 3 years later - they all look to have aged at least a decade in the interim.

There's a scene towards the end where I think they're trying to establish the friendship by having Spock suddenly call Kirk "Jim". But for me it just felt clunky and unearned.

Logically, you must be right.

I like how last night they played Toto over the African segment, just in case the giraffes didn't give it away.

My reaction to Lost is exactly the same as Claire's. Down to the letter. ;)

Harris, the Onion video has no spoilers.

To answer the original question: it's the no. 3 ending. ;)

Yeah, the "cliff" was obviously a rock quarry.

Good catch on no 4, Bonzob, I missed that on first viewing.

If Alpha's internal dialogue is anything to go by, having 38 personalities in your head isn't just a walk in the park. I think Echo/Omega really wanted all those voices to pipe down, and she only had one option for accomplishing that.

I have no problem believing the Matrix films are stuffed full with references to anything you can imagine.
But a cartload of high-falutin references does not a good story make.

I thought the last shot wasn't of the future, it was the basment they left from (all frazzled up by the timetravel electrobomb thingy).

Even if the multiple timelines theory is true, I'm pretty sure noone within the Terminator universe sees it that way. Because if that's how it works, then you can't jump back in time to make things better for the people in your present: you're not affecting your original timeline at all, just being shunted off to a

I assume that all the information Ballard found about the building was planted by Alpha (proof: it was his face that popped up on the screen, not that of the real engineer), and slanted to make looking up the expert seem like the logical next step.

On the contrary Kid, it is you who are mistaken… about a great many things.