Doc Eon

Pipey, at first I thought the opposite: Adam thought he should be with Danny and Allison because they performed the best.

Her enunciation wasn't too good on this one, but dagnabit I love her anyway.

So… LD got banned, and then immediately registered again?
He/she/it certainly is persistent. That much work just to annoy some people…

LOL, yeah, I can't imagine his Indian parents being happy about a son pursuing a degree in the humanities. "What's wrong with computers? Or medicine?"
At least if he's a singer he might find work in Bollywood. :P

It's someone who not only shares his interests, but can actually beat him at them. Which I think disproves the theory put forward above that it's his own personality being imprinted.

Allison has been in the bottom 3 before, hasn't she? I guess she might lack a dedicated fan base to lean on.

My stray musing was "Hey, they're back to letting all 4 have their say now… that was quick."
Thankfully, they accomplished it by cutting out a lot of the pointless drivel that usually goes on between songs.
Ryan did manage to sneak in a little Coke shout-out tho… :P

Yes, DCRJ, I remember "A Private Little War" as an even clearer Cold War apology than "Errand".

Ninjad by the minute it took me to double-check my memory against imdb.

Alien-looking Klingons
Didn't they make their first appearance in the (TOS-based) movies, not on TNG?

I thought he started every comment with "All right, check it out dawg…"

While it's true they don't have theme weeks on SYTYCD - maybe they should? Hmmm… I'm trying to picture it in my mind and I can't decide whether it would be awesome or a trainwreck. But either one would be entertaining!

Exactly, ballerina. The discussion was probably like this: "We have to use this thing so it didn't seem entirely pointless to introduce the rule, and if we do it next week it'll be too transparent."

Simon the fish
What's with the faces Simon was pulling while Kara was judging Matt?

What you missed

It started out well, he was hitting the notes better than in the previous performance, but then somewhere along the way it got away from him again and by the end he was totally lost.

Whatever, props to Noop Dogg for picking one of the only two songs this evening that were actually any good to begin with. And for singing it pretty well.

I don't like Adam at all. But "Mad World" was the smartest song choice of the evening, and the way he chose to sing it was also really smart. So either he's actually learning something, or he just has smart handlers.

@ICB: the 5th guy (alien conspiracy theorist) was Mike.

Conferring for real
Right after Allison was announced as in the bottom 3, there was a shot of Kara leaning over to whisper to Randy. Soon after, another shot of Kara and Paula confabbing.