Doc Eon

I also made with the laughing. Guffawing, even.

No, she was actually finger-picking that guitar, but apparently didn't feel like trying to strum along with the band. Too bad, it might have stopped her from shouting so much (yes, for once I agree with Simon).

I also liked Kris for the first time tonight. I'm not sure if it was his singing, though, or just the fact that he picked the best song out of the 9.

3) The correct Godfather quote is "I'm going to make you an offer…"

My memories of most TOS episodes are confused with my memories of the James Blish novelizations. Which I suppose is cheating - because IIRC he usually tried to get inside the characters' heads and give them comprehensible motivations. When I've tried to rewatch the actual series, that sort of thing hasn't been on

I remember that because I had the same look on my face right then. And when it was Kara's turn to speak it turned out to be for the same reason, namely that Lil just screamed her way through that whole song. I sat through the whole performance saying to myself "WTF? She's supposed to pwn this genre. What went wrong?"

The point of the ending was clearly to show that Echo had some subconscious desire to finish the interrupted engagement.
The interesting question is of course: why? Is it a residual effect of the imprint, does an engagement that goes off script make a clean wipe harder, or is it that in some core of her pesonality she

So… "Handling of the undead" is the official translation of that book's title?
Makes it easier to grock I guess, though the original actually has more overtones of bureaucratic doublespeak. I would have translated it "Concerning the disposition of the undead" or something like that.

So explain how an old-ass stadium rocker gets away with using hip-hop lingo like he's somehow "current"?

Depends on if you mean in absolute or relative terms. ;)

Allison is clearly the most interesting singer of the girls this year.

She lost me with that strange hiccup on the last "Jolene" of the chorus. What, she can't sustain the note?

Clark: no, Matt wasn't wearing a blazer, he was wearing a full suit, with shirt and tie.

The episode numbers at the top of the page have been wrong ever since you doubled up on 12 and 13.

@Yumsh: If the pink dress girl you mean is Kristen, then yeah - both she and Felicia were more deserving than some of the others that for the life of me I can't even remember.

Also, if America's vote was the only one, you'd see an all male top 12. Yawn.

Kidnapping is not extreme?
"My girl only comes into play in an extreme scenario", says Sierra's handler.
Huh. I guess being kidnapped and having the person you're supposed to protect threatened at gunpoint doesn't count as extreme. I wonder what the Dollhouse's definition of "extreme" would be?

Not a dancer
Actually, Scott, she' s a backup singer, not a dancer.
Though I must admit, the opening scene made me leap to the conclusion "woooeee, Echo's gonna be shaking her booty this week!"
I guess your brain is wired the same way as mine, and couldn't quite shake that idea when it came time to write it up. ;)

The "small club" thing was actually explained in the dialogue. Not saying it was a great explanation, but it was there.

He does confirm the pattern, though.