
That’s not really fair. As goddamn stupid as this is, it was taped before Manchester. It’s not like Katy interrupted a live broadcast of the events last night to be all “but wait, my dancers.”

The gay spirits will rise from the corpses and haunt the funeral home forever with festive parties and a keen fashion sense.

A “lifestyle choice”? I hope he discovers he has a genetic “lifestyle choice” that makes his dick fall off.

I have said this before and it never stops being true: Donnie sounds like someone trying to have a serious conversation on a ball of cocaine. I really can’t listen to him talk, and when I read the shit he said, he sounds like a puppy that has too many shiny objects and noise makers around it.

Like solving environmental puzzles.

Yeah you can take a pill that will magically fetch the aborted fetus from the sewers and put it back in your belly to grow. Slight chance it picks up rat or turtle dna so if you are lucky you may have a baby you can train to be a ninja!

Merde. And Jonny Fairplay has not done worse now.

Let hope Jesus doesn’t see his shadow, or it’s one more year of damnation.

How else would Blonde Jesus know when crack out of the Cadbury Egg? (Tho really it’s tied to Passover and the Hebrew calendar, which def. was a thing. Easter is always the first Sunday after the first full moon after the vernal equinox. So usually in April but also sometimes in March in the Gregorian calendar. Moons,

I’m on several job posting lists. No joke, this morning I got a job opening ad for a public relations specialist for United. I can only hope it’s because United’s entire department threw their hands up and quit yesterday.

Who is dumb and macho, the guy who wanted to fly home to take care of his patients with a ticket he purchased, or the energy drink fueled MMA wannabe dickless slobs who had to prove their self-worth by clumsily manhandling a passenger? It’s the same sort of primitive thuggery that keeps on coming up in police violence

I’ve already read wayyyy too fucking many comments saying this doctor is in the wrong. No, he’s not. United is.

Yeah, similar story for me. There was this beautiful girl at my church whom I had a crush on. Hard. But before the relationship that everyone thought would eventually happen happened, I found out that she and her brother weren’t allowed to read Harry Potter due to sorcery.

I would say electrical failure will make things far worse than no speedo in a new Tesla.

This is a perfectly reasonable response. Others have already made the point that severing a professional association != censorship, so I’ll only add the following:

While it is exceptionally uncommon (and in some cases, even illegal, depending upon protected class status) for an employer to terminate an employee based

Have fun not playing a game you’d otherwise enjoy because its devs don’t want it associated with a racist.

Hey. Fuck you too.