
Truth. AC3 is maybe the worst AC ever. And WD is basically a subpar AC game with conteporary setting.

AC3 and WD are 2 of the most boring Ubisoft games ever.

Best game is Gwent :V

It’s more likely that the software is different and runs on a different set of servers. Much like Diablo 3.

Haven’t played the latest Deus Ex, but Human Revolution was good. Not at the same level of the original, but very much enjoyable nonetheless.

Now, I don’t want to disprove what you have been taught, because I must admit I lack knowledge in this particular field.
But I’d like to remember you that some schools teach creationism.

It only depends on your ability to kill the Soul of Cinder boss in Dark Souls 3.

Clearly dancing on the notes of Michael Jackson’s Thriller.


I assume if you are driving and an ambulance is stuck behind you, you would never give it way to surpass you.
After all, why should you give it precedence? You are the one in front.

News flash:


Better this way.

Welcome to comicbooks, where the power of anything is usually “as it is needed for the plot”. Like Wolverine’s regenerative powers.

Well, Death is a cosmic entity in the marvel universe.

It’s not the first time that the hammer is destroyed. Don’t try looking too deep into it.

She’s hela hot.

Cate Blanchett is the real life Benjamin Button.

Your dad wins all the stars.

I’d say, as eroge, they have the most compelling gamplay.