
When you look at these polls, you have to remember that when they ask “is he uniting the country,” “the country” to them is “them, their friends, and everyone they know personally,” which is white people. Using that metric, he is absolutely uniting his base—against everything that is actually America.

I’m sick of the Arians in this country swinging their Johnsons around like their worldview is the only one that matters.

Dear CBS,

JULY 6—Rush Limbaugh was traveling with four other men—including the producers of the hit show “24"—when he was detained over a mislabeled bottle of Viagra found in his luggage during a Customs search, records show.

It’s sort of bewildering to me, in a piece that pulls out and emphasizes the VF quote about their lack of self-awareness, that you could also say that “deep down, they must realize...” People who are not self-aware don’t have a “deep down.” They don’t ever realize. Not only do they not look into their own “deep down,”

It makes me happy that they are unhappy. I don’t care if that makes me a shitty person.

This is the story of the Hurricane... ♪♫

There’s some truth to Eminem being the canary in the coal mine for working class white angst. But there’s a huge difference in the competency and skill set needed to be a rapper saying, “hey, this is what’s going on” and those needed to effectively manage and lead the executive branch of the US government. An that

I don’t know that Trump understands nuance enough to abuse power for anything but his own personal gain. It’s 99% likely it’s more of “change whatever the black guy did”.

Absolutely. You’re right. Doxxing is dangerous. I mean it literally when I say that this is not doxxing. This is a more effective version of milk cartons and wanted posters. This isn’t trying to root out the identity of someone who anonymously said some shit you didn’t like online. These pictures aren’t being posted

Love the idea of letting these shit-stirrers churn shit with their boots.

Two false-start public events cancelled on very short notice; these dipshits should be billed for thousands of man-hours of police and governmental preparation, traffic inconvenience for the broader public, and all sorts of other externalities

Snowflakes are always white. Scientific fact.

Why would cops want to go after other fascists?