
If I had Soros money, I would pay a small group of people to follow this shithead everywhere, boo him around the clock and whip acorns at his head. He and MAGAiano Rivera can get eternally fucked.

Sleepy Joe is lamer than if he started calling Sanders ‘Four eyes.’ Seriously, sleepy joe?

Dwnouncing racism isn't politics. 

When will someone remind us that denouncing racism or just having the minimum level of decency is not politics?

People calling you a fucking moron isn’t “silencing your views” it is simply something that happens when you are a fucking moron in public.

She’s afraid to hand them over because they might discover her plans to build the world’s largest and fastest yacht that is powered by solely by the blood of non white, non Christian schoolchildren.

But if their country is the United States then they are already here.  He assumes because they are not white then they must not have been born here.  If this is their country then he is asking them to clean up his mess no?

It’s really sad that, at first, these different news agencies were being attacked ONLY by Trump and his dumbass supporters as being “fake news”, simply because they were historically viewed as “left-leaning” outlets by said dumbasses.

Color announcer sounded about 5 seconds from just going over and punching Allen in the throat which, although unorthodox, I would heartily endorse.

Remember, 45 intends to gather a million people up. Imagine a million people being added to a system that is so underfunded that can’t support the few thousand already in the concentration camps. And imagine the amount of money that will be paid to for-profit prison executives to “store” those people in conditions

Since then, Pelosi has repeatedly taken jabs at Ocasio-Cortez, once saying that a “glass of water” could have won in her progressive district.

The local Fox channel (5) had a guy reporting for the 10 PM news from down there and said a lot of people started leaving because of the rain, and then more left after the start of the fireworks because the smoke was so bad, it covered them up. Then the smoke cloud started pushing through the city in areas there was

The Miami Heat still hold the “wtf, seriously?” record for retiring Michael Jordan’s jersey...who you may recognize as both (a) someone who never played for the Heat and (b) having no direct connection to the Miami franchise.


I’ve mentioned this before, but the fundamental problem with the rhetoric of people like McConnell (beyond the fact that, ya know, it’s in patent bad faith and designed merely to be repeated by people to say why, of course, reparations are beyond the pale), is that it confuses the issue of “fault” with

From the fanciest black tie dinner party to the lowest gathering of hobos and drunks around a trash can fire, there is one thing that will alway remain true: people with guns ruin fucking everything.

“It’s still the individual parent, who is raising this child, that has the fundamental right to decide what happens with their child in all facets of their life,” Montesano said, according to the Times.

If there’s one thing you can say about the Wilpons, it’s that they believe in a system that seems too good to be true.

I don’t know that I’ve made 850 calls in my life, and I’m 32.

He’s a billionaire. They banned him for a year and fined him $500k. That’s less than what he made from the start of the 2nd half until he got kicked out. I hope the union has a fucking field day with this shit in the negotiations for the next CBA.