

I am outraged. Buck Showalter would never have let Britton pitch in that spot at the Dome. Or probably ever.

Right-Wing Nutjob Aborts Full-Term Baby in Public

Because as funny as that seems, the fact that the government has been taken over by an authoritarian party hell bent on creating a one party rule that has zero respect for the rule of law or the Constitution they claim to love feels like the bigger story?

In response, the House of Representatives released a statement condemning Ilhan Omar.

i saw he was also at a sumo wrestling event, and i was really hoping he’d just get crushed in some merciful freak accident of his own doing, dragging Pence down with him (i don’t even know that Pence was nearby, but a girl can dream).

That’s right, but they never attack the same way twice. They were testing the Bucks for weaknesses, systematically.

I still back Warren, but god damn, Senator Sanders, if you didn’t just hit a solid second place.

A population kept ignorant is a population kept compliant; an educated population may reach consensus, but it does so honestly.

Here’s hoping Warren or Sanders get the nod; everyone else in the field is a pale shadow of

Domestic policy too!

I bet the Knicks wish they had an owner who knew how to play the blues right now.

I mean I know there aren’t any rules anymore, but c’mon

In New Hampshire, Joe Biden predicts that once President Trump is out of office, Republicans will have “an epiphany” and work with Democrats toward consensus.

The stock market doing well at this point is the exact opposite of the economy working for people. Companies are valued on profits and maximized profits are often incompatible with fair wages and benefits (since we have little regulation to keep this under control, the companies have it in their best interest to

Well, I’m really glad it happened. Not just because Toronto sports has just been a stink-filled orgy of painful losses the last decade or how much a miss would have mirrored Vince’s miss against the Sixers 20 years ago.

The ball going into the basket was quite a process.

That’s a bad shot.

Some people wanted to install George Washington as king. He ultimately said no. But he likely considered it until he realized the kinds of bloodthirsty individuals who would come after his crown. America was not colonized by England’s/Europe’s “nice” people.

I gotta say, that’s a bold messaging move given their CEO, less than a month ago, got grilled in Congress by Katie Porter about how a full time Chase worker would not be able to meet basic living expenses. 

I love films and TV that make an attempt at realistic - or at least aesthetically interesting - industrial design

If someone was going to ruin Endgame, I’d have guessed Andy Reid.