
I guess you haven’t heard of this Elizabeth Warren person?

Their programmers were so preoccupied with whether they could add Proceratosaurus to the game, that they didn’t stop to think whether they should add Proceratosaurus to the game. 

This is so much bullshit.

Despite the fact that our military is all-volunteer, there aren’t enough people to fill recruitment quotas/needs—and there goddamned sure aren’t enough qualified people to fill the skilled roles the military needs in order to operate efficiently.

I learned many things from growing up in a

Remember... Whatever they’ll pay, he’ll double it.

Going broke for medicine or dying sooner to own the libs.

If they are worried about appearing objective, they should just say that Trump lied and that they can not confirm whether or not he has the mental faculties to know he is lying.

He compared to Herrera to an inferior, but white player. So this was covered with 1).

Those things would have been awesome, and if they added:

He’s the antithesis of Brett Gardner.

“These Nationals games are getting too expensive, and it’s time to send a message to ownership! From now on I’ll be getting blackout drunk on beer at home!”

“However, the Trump Administration will not put taxpayers on the hook to correct a decades old spending crisis that has left the island with deep-rooted economic problems.”

Really would have been nice if the New York AG department had launched these investigations years ago before he, you know, BECAME THE FUCKING PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES! 

Two things (and ihadwords definitely got there first on my first point):

1.) If you “love your family,” you don’t go fucking other people while your partner is pregnant. Frankly, if you have a mutually-agreed-to monogamous relationship (meaning there is no mutually understood expectation or acceptance of extramarital

Good people on both sides...

Fat bottomed Guerreros, you make the rockin’ world go round!

I might be a little disturbed, but I think everyone should be down with the thickness.

It’s even more disappointing when you remember that Bernie has seen first hand the destruction slavery caused this country because of his service at Gettysburg in the 14th Vermont Volunteer Infantry Regiment.

To really put the duration of this contract into perspective, when it expires, R. Kelly will try to have sex with it.