
I keep seeing that, but I don't really understand why. Did he change his ways and start having empathy and compassion for people, so the church kicked him out? It's a little odd to be kicked out of a church that you started, no?

I'm so sorry. My 88-year-old grandfather passed away last fall and it was sad, but also joyous to see his kids and grandkids and great-grandkids together, to see people from his church and the school where he volunteered at his memorial, for the military to honor his service, to see the old photos of him and my


I'm not a medical professional or a parent, and I don't want to minimize the reality that many parents and families face in terms of autism and its challenges. I don't know if it's over-diagnosed today; I think we just have language for it that we didn't before, as well as resources for therapy and treatment. Plus, I

It is! Did you see this today?

My local independent weekly publishes a "Cheers & Jeers" section and last week some sadsack was lamenting that all the women in this town are out of shape or just after his money. Geez, guy! When you write off "big" women as undateable and call out other women who are only interested in dating you for your money, how

I'm sure that guy would accept "I'm a [profession] - this is what I DO!" as an explanation if a urologist walked up to him and tried to give him an unsolicited prostate exam in a CVS.

One of my favorite things at Yo, Is This Racist? is Andrew's response to anyone who says that the UK or European countries shouldn't be criticized for racism like America because...they didn't have a civil war over whether or not a person can own black people?

That's actually one of the reasons that I think people keep trying to link autism and vaccinations, because they try to argue that there has been an increase in diagnoses for autism that correlates to the increase in access to/requirements for vaccines (in the US, at least). But that's just it—we have much better

Hey, come back here with my heart! You stole it!

Has S. Coppola ever directed a movie that had a "happy ending"? Of the four movies of hers that I've seen, Virgin Suicides and Marie Antoinette have unhappy endings, while Lost in Translation and Somewhere are more ambiguous, but still melancholy.

A charity of the performer's choice, or the league's? Because aren't they (the NFL), technically, a non-profit? Do they "donate" the money to themselves?


Thank you!

Hey, I said sorry! hug it out?


And all white men with white wives, obvs.

Gas station dude is setting off my gaydar, but maybe that's his hipsterdom and/or bad cue card reading. But, I also noticed that he's wearing a wedding ring and his name is Greenberg...

Shia, is that you?

If this was American Horror Story: Carnival Cruise, then I'd be impressed.