
I heard the Walter character from The Muppets described as the Jason Segel Muppet avatar, which was especially dumb because Jason Segel also played a human character in the movie.

21 vacation days?! Day-mn.

She wrote $600, not $6000. It's still a lot, but if you were traveling and staying in a hotel, that's not an outrageous amount.

I've been watching Switched at Birth on Netflix Instant (oh, ABC Family, I can't quit you) and there's a (boring) sub-plot about the son in the family getting married so his parents are planning the rehearsal dinner and who is invited. The rehearsal dinner. Back in my day (I'm in my 20s), the rehearsal dinner was for

Don't really care, it's just baffling that they don't see the hypocrisy. "I was mean* to someone and now other people are being mean** to me! Wah!"

Except that then they boo-hoo "We're being oppressed for our Constitutionally-protected beliefs!" You can believe whatever you want, you can say whatever you want, but that doesn't mean that people won't call you an asshole (that's their right too). And for God's sake, at the very least stop trying to legislate your

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Thank you for referring to him as Harris' cousin.

A "crime of opportunity" is still a CRIME.

Considering that a lot of people don't think there's anything wrong with touching women you don't know (guys have touched my non-pregnant belly without permission, amongst other areas of my body), it's not surprising that people treat pregnant woman with the same disregard. Especially when some people treat pregnant

A little while ago, one of my friends posted a link to a couple's blog about their desire to adopt. Basically, they are white, educated, middle-class Christians who have not been able to conceive naturally (not sure if they attempted IVF) and want to adopt "an infant." I was somewhat dumbstruck. First of all, it's


Good point. Someone in another comment asked if it was a bit unfair to keep asking 20-year-old pop stars about feminism, because it sets them up for criticism no matter what. One thing that definitely is unfair: asking female pop stars about it but not male pop stars.

Oh, you oppose gay divorce?

It's the hashtag that Melissa Harris-Perry uses for her MSNBC show followers/conversation. Maybe Plank was trying to engage with her audience.

It's the hashtag that Melissa Harris-Perry uses for her MSNBC show followers/conversation. Maybe Plank was trying to engage with her audience.

"Illegal rape" is redundant. Doesn't matter what word comes before rape— marital, date, statutory, prison—it's all illegal. The mental gymnastics that people do to get to the place you're describing, to rationalize it, justify it...drives me insane.

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You kid, but eHarmony has a PSA for you...

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You kid, but eHarmony has a PSA for you...