
I was thinking it was Rory running off to cover that newcomer Barack Obama's presidential campaign.

I've always felt like, if they just put a half inch of water in the bottom of the cup it would trigger something in the actors brains tho not swing it around like its a rolled up piece of paper.

I know I saw a lot of"suggested links" in my feed that were the fake news this article was about. I am educated enough to tell the difference, but it was obvious others were not.

Am I the only one who balances the scrolling when I'm reading articles about Trump so that I never have to look at the photos of him while I'm reading?

I may have missed it because while I've read a lot of these comments, I've jumped around a bit and have had this page open a couple hours while I'm actually working BUT…I don't see anyone getting on the Today Show's case for airing that. I mean, someone must have known ridicule was going to happen and it seems kind

Maybe it's not so much that the cat allergy is severe, but the allergy and itchy scratchiness intensifies his eczema, which is probably his worst nightmare.

I can kind of see how that was misunderstood early on, but was surprised to see it was being discussed somewhere recently, by more than one person

It probably wasn't intentional on Caputo's part, but I think not giving her name actually gave her and her family some deserved privacy.

IRL I agree, but in this imaginary culture they are lucky if they make it to the ripe old age of 13.

It started when they had the scene in the show when Cersei is consoling Cat after Bran"falls". She talks.about her brown haired baby who died. There were theories that Jon was that baby. I saw a lot of it for awhile. That turned into Robert and Lyanna's secret love child. Probably because Rhaegar hasn't been featured

I think they deducted one point because we already knew she was dead.

I have to admit, at least part of the reason I want Gendry back is that I'm shipping him with Arya. I'm not proud of it, but it's the truth.

When Tommen walked away from the window and the camera held the view of the sept burning, I thought I accidentally hit pause on my roku remote for a sec. As soon as I saw lil Tommen I knew. Unexpected, but not surprising

too bad walder didn't take a bite

I know there are unsullied out there who think Robert Baratheon is the father. I know she said "Robert will kill him" or some such but that won't stop them.

I've had moments when my feet weren't touching the ground or I almost got knocked over and thought-that's it, I'm dying at a Primus show. (5'3" chick who should not be fighting to hold on to her spot on the rail)

My poor cat was a little freaked out about the volume of the battle (it got loud for a bit there) and I usually am aware enough of the rest of the world to adjust volume and notice THE CAT RUNNING AROUND IN CIRCLES but no, too in the moment. I don't think I've been that caught up in a tv battle like, ever.

I kept thinking maybe Jon would swerve a little to give him the idea but, well, Jon wasn't really making the best tactical decisions either.

Wun Wun presented a more urgent danger, even though he was probably on his last legs (knees?). Ramsay was probably a little over confident that he would have no problem with John so he coudl take care of him later.

The pointy end.