
He was in Dracula Untold and had a lot more acting to do in that than he ever had as Rickon (more convinced than ever that there was no coincidence in the name of his wolf). I thought he was a decent little actor, and he portrayed a lot with is face in this episode.

So did the Boltons have a staff of flayers, or did the lord of the house have to change into his grubby slaying clothes and handle it all himself whenever someone needed slaying. I mean, sure it's fun if you're a Bolton, but sometimes you've got other stuff to do to prepare for a big battle.

I had to remind myself that similar situations have happened in real life. but yeah, meh.

Ok. I expect to suspend my disbelief on a regular basis watching this. All the stuff that Arya survived was bad enough. But how was that candle where she bid needle burning?

Whereas the asoiaf world has…whatever the opposite of a transporter is that takes freakin' forever to get somewhere.

The way things work in this world, even the real world historically, was to suck it up and produce an heir then go back to your preferred pleasures. There are a lot of lives at stake.

I believe, but cannot document, that Martin said that he was raised Catholic and based "The Seven" on his experiences with that religion.

ooogie! You're right, I remember now. She could have been telling him the wrong way. :) I stand by her not wanting to risk getting pregnant.

Always thought it would be Jaime, Cersei was born first

I know in the books there was canoodling but no consumation, I may be misremembering what happened in the show.

I'm sure the marriage has never been consumated and she's never planned to as it's always been a power play. She does not want to give birth to a bastard's heir-once Tommens real parentage is public he will have no valid reason to be king

Thanks. I was thinking Maege was Jorah's sister. Now who is it that is implied was the woman Tormund slept with that was a bear?

And as was discussed last week, the waif not only is making this personal, she's not following her order to not let her suffer, as a gut wound is an agonizing, slow way to die.

and she's not even mentioned in the after show, so they aren't even pretending any more

I kept expecting her to say, "now about my grandfather's sword…"

How about Arys great uncle (or whatever) the three eyed raven whispered to Arys? He was going to warn B ran not to do that but…

Margaery is one of the kids growing older, taking over for the previous generation. At least she was younger generation in the book. She's out Thorned the QoT. It's up to her to follow now

Oh yeah and on the rewatch I also caught a parallel between Daario telling Danerys she didn't belong on a throne because she was a conqueror and Robert telling Ned he helped him conquer Westeros now help him rule it. Dany sure sounded like she was bringing death and destruction in her little speech.

I rewatched the first episode after tonight's episode. Felt like going home, the old Winterfell and was fun seeing baby Bran and Arya and all those Starks together. And yeah Sean Bean. Sigh…

I think what I enjoy about the meandering is the world building, historical aspects…I like piecing together the little clues he gives about the Targaryans and such. But yeah, some of it is way too much. Since I am always reading something, all the backstory in that world is more info about something I already