
I even saw a recording of the interview where he drops what he thinks is a cryptic hint that will be a pretty good clue to anyone who follows the show and is totally obvious to book readers. I found it strange that it's been out there awhile and I've never seen anyone refer to it. I'm not going to say more than

I think he totally did have it planned, it's one of the major pieces. Remember he was initially going to do this in three books. It's all the meanderings in between that he didn't have figured out. I personally enjoy the meanderings, for the record.

I was watching subtitled and the Priest dude showed up as "Aeron", for the record. So there's that. Not too invested in Iron Island politics either, myself

You know Ian McShane already spoiled his part, and a couple other things too?

I predict Olly dies, but Jon doesn't kill him. He's either collateral damage or someone else intentionally does it. Maybe he'll run off but I don't think Jon will off him.

I would say one plot hole would be Walda innocently showing the baby to Ramsey. No way Roose wouldn't have warned her never to let him near the baby.

I actually used that line at my last review at work, minus the drinking

They did well. I was never worried about tyrion but it definitely brought the book to mind.

I feel they left it open whether or not ghost had a role in what happened with Jon

I worked at McDonalds during high school, sometimes you'll do pretty much anything to keep you entertained that won't get you fired, just to see if any one notices. Mostly they don't. I know, for example, one night we added "Mc" to pretty much everything we said through the speaker, and maybe one guy commented on

Bring Back Geddy Lee! He and his daughter attended Lane's twins' birthing-I'm sure they can find something for them to do now-stop by a birthday party or something.

now I have to find and dust off that CD-I think I know where it is!

So is the actor wearing padding on the show to make him look older? I was wondering if he gained weight IRL, looks like he hasn't.

*answering three days later* I think it's also not totally out of character for Scully to save her cruder languge for more serious situations.

I thought I heard them reference a *someone* Gilligan, but now I can't remember. Did anyone else catch this?

I could neither tell the other two apart nor keep their stories straight. I plan to do a complete rewatch somewhere down the line when I can watch the entire series without interruption. Maybe at that point I will be able to keep them straight.

I am very into Rush and I agree with you about the fans. And no, they're not smarter than everyone else like they think they are.

Me too, he's one of my favorites.

Svein! I knew the name was different, it's been awhile since I read the books and I couldn't remember if this particular Dane was a recurring character or not, was hoping so because love this actor in this role.